The 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!!!!

We hatched 17 out of the original 27 that were fertile. one pipped and died within an hour not sure what happened there,9 still haven't pipped. Candled and 99% sure they are all late quitters.We are very happy with the eggs we bought. Hatched 2 barred Plymouth Rocks, 4 Rhode Island Reds, 1 Americana, 7 easter eggers, and 3 olive eggers. Total final count is 17!
My little cup o chicken.


Sticky and wonky legs. But cheeping up a storm and starting to stand up. So maybe all for the good.
The first pipper hatched this morning at 900am he was on the wrong side of the egg too. He kicked and turned over another one that was zipping and he asfixiated.
The third hatched all on its own and happened in just a few just hours. The fourth is taking his sweet little time. 4 babies out of 5 isn't bad for a first timer. I have learned a lot. Thank you to all that helped.
One viable egg left. I'm kinda sad none of them have been Brahmas. I won't be able to get eggs anytime soon. I did find out that the white egg was an Andalusian and I'm pretty happy about that.

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