The 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!!!!

Many of you on this page remember the issue I had with my Dutch hen last month well she has another nest and has been on at l sat a week when she is broody she does some strange dance when she is out to eat no other time will she do her dance but I was able to find that nest will be expecting some more little Dutch cochins soon!!
A few pictures of the chicks that hatched Easter Sunday! It was a very good hatch with the exception of the Lemon Frisian Gulls. The fertility check on them was very telling only 3 out of 15 were fertile. Important information! My pen #1 of the SFH's hatched 12 out of 12 set and pen # 2- 8 out 12 developed. The young boy needs to work harder on fertility. Everything that developed hatched though. The Silverudd's Blue were especially exciting to me. I have never had a 100% hatch and frequently people I sell to have better hatches on their shipped eggs than I have at home. I had 100% of egg set hatch from Pen #2 (7/7) and 9 out of 10 for pen #1. The shipped eggs performed a bit less, but they survived the USPS! 8 out of 14 on them. My shipped Am. Breese hatched 6 out of 7 and the lone Alsteirer hatched. My locally purchased Am. Breese hatched 5 out of 7, so the shipped ones actually preformed better. Thank you @texassasmas ! The Silver Ameraucana performed a bit worse than usual. They had been my 100% hatchers. This time 10 out of 12. The hatcher they were in was cooler than what I have previously hatched them in. I think they like it fast and hot! Total for this hatch- 108 set 75 hatched. If I took the Lemon Frisians out of the mix, it was a great hatch! Chicks anyone?

20 Swedish Flower Hens- 2 unrelated pens

25 Silverudd's Blue (Isbar)

11 American Breese

9 Silver Ameraucana and 3 Lemon Frisian Gull

I have got another late hatcher here, and I hope to see #6 when I get home (it was peeping up a storm last night.) Definitely need to re-calibrate my thermometer. I have 3 Polish and 2 Silkies out so far.
I have got another late hatcher here, and I hope to see #6 when I get home (it was peeping up a storm last night.) Definitely need to re-calibrate my thermometer. I have 3 Polish and 2 Silkies out so far.

Congrats, late or not!
I would think you could wrap the eggs in a damp paper towel (to soften up the membrane & to up the humidity) or peel (gently) the membrane off of the ducklings.

I had to help a chick the other day. I gently chipped the shell without rupturing the membrane. I thought it would be able to bust out after I did that, but after sitting in there most of the day, I then soaked a paper towel & very gently began to peel. It took about 20 mins. Eventually I freed it. It was still covered in gel-like goop, which I left alone, but then egg shells kept sticking to it, so I decided to clean the egg shells out & put the chick in a paper towel & held him while I dumped the shells. The goop came off on the paper towel, and then the little guy was able to be more mobile.

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