The adventures of Barbara (BR)


YAY Leroy

Thank you Mrs Chickendad!

Day 20 here tomorrow...Still got 4 Buff sussex eggs under Hermione.

Am pretty sure I heard peeping when I shut her in for the night
What the hey, Bosco?? No foreplay, no whispering sweet nothings in little chickie girls' ears? He deserves "time out" while the ladies re-adjust their feathers!!

Barbara and Leroy had a good time playing outside this past weekend. The Big Girls and some of the Bachelors were let out and made sure there was no corner of the yard left uninspected. Big Walter sprawled the the coop doorway and sunned himself. He took up the entire space and the girls could not get in to lay their eggs.

Leroy enthusiastically courted Barbara (and Monica when Barbara wasn’t looking) and brought her several tasty treats as well as an assortment of twigs and leaves. No telling what would impress a girl these days. Barbara thought Leroy was SO BLONDE! The way to a girl’s heart is through her stomach. Every chicken knows that!

The Chickendads were delighted to welcome some fellow BYCers Saturday and Sunday. Audrey visited Saturday and swapped stories and chicken talk. On Sunday, Nancy and Steve visited and got the nickel tour. They took two of the BLRW baby pullets home with them. Barbara was there for the meet and greet, but she was not looking all that impressive. Her head is still bald and her apron is a bit tattered. Leroy showed off a bit, but it was sleeting off and on, so he went back to the Bachelor Quarters.

Earlier last week, Barbara noticed that there were some Big Black Chickens in the yard. One of the Big Black Chickens stood on a little hill and made a "gobbelly" noise to the Women Chickens. He had a big tail like a fan. Barbara thought he was quite handsome, but he talked funny. The Women Chickens gathered in a little group and picked through the grass looking for treats while the Man Chicken turned round and round, showing off his handsome self to them as well as the Chickie Girls. The Girls twittered amongst themselves and discussed the Handsome Chicken. They decided that they had best not attract his attention. He seemed much bigger than Walter and Willie the Wyandottes, and they have had enough loving for a while.
Hello from way over here....I wanted to let you know that Tyson is a daddy and for him that is no simple feat as the majority of his wives are BRs. He has two new wives that are BCM...He is really having a hard time with them....Anyway, Hannah went broody. I put 6 BR eggs under her. candled them last week, only 2 were fertile. Took the 4 bad ones out. The two good ones hatched yesterday.....
Hannah is a mommy and Tyson is a daddy. I have 15 other eggs in an incubator....some BR and some of Hannah's, they are suppose to hatch next week...we will see what we get. All are Tyson's.
Twigs & Leaves? Thats like buying a woman a blender.

My BR Virginia is feeling a bit under the weather. Not sure what is wrong but she has lost her spunk and attitude. I am so worried about her. She just sits around sleeping. I spotted what was left of a soft shelled egg on the floor of the coop.

Monday was a very bad day at the Chickendads. The neighbor’s pointer dog broke loose and got into the two big coops. By the time the Chickendads heard her barking, the dog had killed Roastann the Black Sex Link, the two Sussex sisters, Gimpy the Wheaten cockerel and little Swiffer the white cochin. Two other little boys were injured, and the rest of the Big Chickie Girls had run away.

After scouring the property, the Chickendads found Barbara and Monica hiding under the juniper bushes in the front of the house. Monica had escaped untouched, but Barbara had sacrificed her tailfeathers to the dog. Mrs. Chickendad comforted Barbara and Monica and put them back in the coop with the door shut. Buffy was still in the coop plastered against the pop door where the dog hadn’t seen her. Eventually the remaining two hens and two roosters were located and coaxed back into the coop. Leroy showed up about dinnertime from his hidey hole. Everyone was very quiet and subdued. Mrs. Chickendad locked them in so they would feel safe.

In the breeding coop it was pandemonium. Most of those birds were in pens where they couldn’t be harmed, but the little boys who were loose had been attacked. All the honeymooning couples were upset and sounding the alarm. The dog was locked in the pole barn until the owner returned from work. Chickendad took her back home and it remains to be determined what the neighbor will do for restitution for the five dead and two injured birds. The situation will not be allowed to “slide”.

On a brighter note, there is new life in the incubator. A bantam lavender Ameraucana hatched overnight, a day early, and is the prettiest chick ever! There are more like him, but they are still sleeping and due to wake up Wednesday. So in spite of tragedy, there is something new to look forward to.

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