The adventures of Barbara (BR)

sorry about the dog attack. Glad to hear that you have chicks hatching.
4cats3kids1hubby2many glad to hear Tyson's a daddy Leon had a chick last fall but it was killed by a stray cat. We will be trying again this time when the hen goes broody. I will be hatching some of my EE eggs and maybe a couple of my BR eggs.
Thanks Schellie. He is a proud papa. I went and bought 3 feedstore chicks to stuff under her with them....they are all doing well. I did not need any more, as I have 15 in the incubator, but DD wanted to buy a few more babies for Hannah.
I'm sorry to hear about the dog. Darn it, why do dogs have to be... well, dogs!
Innocent lives would be saved if they turned into chickens.

BUT, I'm glad to hear about the new baby peep!
Chickies are so adorable!
I'm so sorry for your loss. It just sickens me to here of it. So glad that all Barbara lost was her tail feathers.
Sorry for your loss. It's always scary when a dog attacks. We lost two girls when they were still young and a dog dug under the fence to get in our yard.
Oh noooo!!!!!

So sorry to hear about the attack!!!!

Do keep us posted on what happens next!

And congrats on the baby...Can we see some pics please
So sorry to hear about this needless loss. People at work probably wondered why I was shedding tears at my desk when I read this, but all chicken lovers know why. Give my love to Barbara and all of the chickie survivors!

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