The adventures of Barbara (BR)

LOL! Love the snacks on the bumper...
Barbara sure keeps herself busy-she does your landscaping and cleans your car. You are so lucky-good help like that is hard to find!
Love in the afternoon

Barbara had considered stealing the Ameraucana sisters’ man chicken, Silver. But Silver was an indiscriminate lover, so there wasn’t all that much to steal. Besides, the Ameraucana sisters were still playing ostrich in the nest box and Silver was banished to the bachelor coop with his Ameraucana brothers for loving on the pullets too much.

But Leroy—now Leroy was another story! Leroy and his Uncle Hot Stuff ruled the roost in the big coop, or at least Barbara lets them think they do. Barbara thought Leroy was kinda cute, so she hung out with him a lot when they were gardening. Hot Stuff takes his job seriously, but Leroy is a lover, not a fighter. He is much shorter than Barbara, being a Bantam Cochin, while she is a Big Girl, and getting bigger all the time. So in the lovely warm fall afternoons, Leroy courted Barbara with all his little chicken heart.

It’s not that Barbara wasn’t willing. She put up a little fuss, mostly for show, and Leroy tried and tried. He was just too short (or maybe Barbara’s too big). After a while he gave up and went to check out the girls in the banty coop. Barbara decided the sun was just too warm and the garden looked so inviting she would take a bath in the big dust hole. She was stretching and flapping around in the dirt. Leroy realized this might be his big chance. Barbara was a lot closer to the ground standing in a hole.

And so the love story of Barbara and Leroy was consummated. It was the chicken version of using a ladder.


Barbara has great taste-Leroy is a handsome guy.

I really wouldn't have pegged Barbara as a man stealer just never know.
Well, Barbara is only slightly interested in romance. She isn't laying yet, but has been practicing nesting skills and being bossy, so the boys are looking better and better to her. She does like Leroy. Leroy was raised with the big Wyandottes and gave up trying to romance them, apparently they are not that sort of girls. Barbara is a little more suitable, especially if she is standing in a hole.

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