The adventures of Barbara (BR)

Dear Mrs. Chickendad,
Thank you for sharing these wonderful tales of Barbara and her cohorts. May you and all you love have a wonderful holiday season.
Thank You! Barbara and Leroy wish all their supporters a very Merry Christmas (They have been raised Christian . . .) and Happy 2010! I have splurged and bought them some grapes (@$2.50 a pound!) so they can celebrate, too. They will probably get some oatmeal and yogurt, too.

We are splitting up some of the groups into breeding pens right after Christmas, so there should be lots of activity in the coop. Barbara and Leroy will stay with the laying flock, but it is time for Walter to get himself together and produce some babies! The Silly Ameraucana sisters will be paired up with Silver and Bob as soon as they come off strike and start laying again. And the little fluffy cochin girls are still on scholarship, too.

Happy Holidays to one and all! Enjoy your family and overlook their shortcomings, life is short!
Merry Christmas MrsChickenDad and Mr. Chickendad and to all the girls and roos!! What a wonderful gift to all your followers-your fascinating stories of your chicken children!! Can't wait to hear about all the changes to come!! Thank you for your great stories and for taking the time to share! Hope you all have a very special Christmas!!
Well I disagree. If you keep the rest of you warm enough, your feet will be warm too. My dad always said that a good hat was a toe-warmer and I have found that to be true!
As a high school swimmer I wore flip flops year round --- now I wear crocs year round. Just keep the rest of you warm and your toes will be fine!
Thank you, thank you, thank you, MrsChickendad for sharing Barbara and your other angels *cough*chickens*cough* with us. I hope you, MrChickendad and all the other Food People have a blessed Christmas.

I love that pic of Barbara and Walter in the snow. Barbara is intrepid!

And after seeing the pic of Hot Stuff "decorated" I'll never be able to hear talk of roosters and "saddles" again with a straight face...
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Merry Christmas, Chickie Girls

Barbara and the Chickie Girls received a Christmas card this year. It was from the Neighbors Next Door who wanted to wish them a Merry Christmas and extend an open invitation to an oven party at their house. The Neighbors Next Door have been remembering the girls with lots of treats: corn, pumpkins, watermelon and pumpkin pie, even. It occurred to the Food People that perhaps the Neighbors Next Door were interested in fattening up the girls for the future.

On Christmas Day, the Food People got together a dozen eggs and took them over to keep the Neighbors Next Door from thinking about Barbara and the girls in THAT way. The Neighbors were most gracious and shared Christmas treats with the Food People. The Chickie Girls lost out on the Neighbor’s treats that day, so the Food Lady took a huge bunch of grapes out and shared with everyone in the coops.

The Big Girls as well as Leroy and Hot Stuff gobbled the grapes and bit the Lady’s fingers trying to outdo one another for treats. Walter hung in the background and crowed his big basso/baritone crow. Hot Stuff and Leroy are boy sopranos, and the Ameraucana brothers Silver and Bob are tenors. The Speckled Sussex boys are just learning to crow, and still sound like a cat strangling.

Barbara and Leroy have ventured out into the outdoor pen, but the weather is so cold, they have to go back in to get warm. There was a little bit of snow today, so they did get their feet washed off. It is going to be a long winter. . .

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