The adventures of Barbara (BR)

thanks Ingrid, that was a fluke, she was wandering up and down the creekbed trying to figure out that white stuff!LOL! none of the others would venture out...

I am glad they got grapes instead of going to the oven party! sheesh! So do they have a new years party planned??
Your Barbara stories are the main reason I joined the group. Now I am posting and getting to know people. Thank You! We have 50 brown egg layer pullets from McMurreys that we got in Oct. and only one out of the bunch is a Barred Rock. Of course I had to name her after your Barbara. I have to say your Barbara's butt is much bigger but we are working on it.
Traffic Jam

Barbara was bored. The wind was howling and blowing snow around. The Food Man came out and checked that everyone was okay but he kept the pop door shut because it was so nasty outside, so the girls had to stay in the coop.

Everyone has been getting up earlier in the day now that the Food Man made the sun come up in the middle of the night. The girls are all starting to get egg laying in gear, but there has been a traffic jam at the nest box every day. It made Barbara crabby. After all, it is HER nest box! Her Big Butt fits it perfectly!

Everyone wanted it, so when egg time came around, there was a lineup outside the box. Waiting in line took up a good part of the day. Barbara and Leroy amused themselves by pecking at all the screw heads in the coop walls. Every one of the ten Big Girl eggs was laid in the same box. There were nine empty nests and one box with ten eggs.

There is a group of 3 Little Girls and a Little Boy who live in a part of the Big Coop. Dusty is a new Little Girl and Barbara thought she looked funny. Her feathers all curl up and she looks like a dust bunny. Barbara thought it was not nearly as attractive as black and white stripes. But Dusty was a sweet Little Girl and dutifully laid her egg every day in a nest box made from a red plastic dishpan. Well, there was no accounting for taste. The Big Girls all recognized Barbara’s taste in nest boxes, obviously.
Poor Barbara. It's been rainy here and I'm feeling stir-crazy, too. But she's right about the attractiveness of barring over curly feathers.

Cordell! You'll meet a lot of nice people at BYC, and particularly on this thread. You'll get TONS of help and support from kindred spirits who will educate you, inspire you and laugh with you.
I am enjoying the serial Adventures of Barbara - I'm posting to say "Thanks MrsChickenDad." (And now this thread will be my "show your posts" list - the better to keep track of it!)
I have a red plastic dishpan....that is full of dirty dishes!!!
Wanna trade? I'll take one with eggs and you can have the dishes!

He he he! I have an entire kitchen full of dirty dishes! ChickenDad has been cooking again . . .

The girls enjoyed lots of treats over the holidays. There were grapes, of course, oatmeal and yogurt, spaghetti and stale sugar cookies. It took their minds off the fact that they were cooped up. The girls had lots of fun pecking at the colored sprinkles on the cookies.

In return, the girls started laying more eggs. Even the silly Ameraucana sisters began laying their beautiful blue eggs again. Barbara thought it was amazing that those Skinny Butts produced those beautiful blue eggs. She has a proper Big Butt and is laying lovely brown eggs, she just can’t do blue in spite of herself. Leroy has helped her all he can (if you know what I mean), but it doesn’t seem to make a difference. Maybe you have to have a Skinny Butt to lay blue eggs. Barbara still admires Leroy’s Manly Round Butt.

There was a lot of noise around the coop yesterday. A stray dog came over and jumped up all over the outside of the coops, barking furiously. The dog was a pointer and could smell all the chickens inside. The boys started crowing and sounding the alarm from inside the coops and the dog kept jumping and barking.

The Food People lured the dog into the breezeway and gave her something to eat and drink besides chickens. Luckily she had a phone number on her collar, so they called and the Neighbor Across the Road came and got his dog. He said she broke out of her chain link kennel. Now the Food People are worried that she will get out again and come over for chicken dinner. Whew! That was a close call!

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