The adventures of Barbara (BR)

Barbara is always beautiful! That's what I'd tell my completely bald headed and naked necked black Ameraucana, Gypsy, who always insists on being carried around like a purse (even if she did look rather vulture-like at the time).
I just discovered this thread a couple of days ago. Love it!!! I'm logging in about 20 - 30 minutes a day to catch up. On page 40 now. Will be getting ready for church in a few minutes. I'm "refreshing" the brown in my hair and lovin' Barbara!
I was going to post another Barbara story this morning, but have to make a trip to the ER. I dislocated my knee during the night sometime, and its on the same side as the surgical foot that's still in a cast. Hopefully they won't be too busy. I have done this before, so its not a big deal, just a pain in the neck, so to speak.

The last time this happened, I was laying in bed watching TV and just turned over. Out she went. When we got to the ER they asked how I had dislocated it. I said, "In Bed." They looked at me. They looked at gray haired ChickenDad. Uh huh.

"No, no, not what you think!" I said. "Sure," they said. I will be more careful how I phrase it this time. . .
Darling MrsChickendad - I'm all caught up. I can't wait for your next installment, so pleeeease get better soon. I even researched what a barred rock is! My goup needs a Barbara. Oh, by the way, I have one of those in my home - she's a seven year old Lydia Kittia. She follows me about to watch what I do so she can be just like her mama when she grows up. Gotta love our babies!
A dislocated knee sounds painful!! Hope you'll have good luck on getting it back in line quickly and without hurting. I can just imagine the looks you got when you told the ER people you got the first injury in bed......!!! Maybe Barbara will come inside to sit on your lap and comfort you while you recover. If you have snacks....
Holy cow! Not a big deal!? You're tougher than I am, by far. A dislocated TOE has me hopping around looking for a nice rock to die under :hmm Good luck, and be sure not to dislocate any fingers on the way back so you can give us our next fix

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