The adventures of Barbara (BR)

Just an update. It has been a rough couple of days. After 9 hours in ER on Sunday, the resident said I had "sprained" my knee. (Thought you had to have an injury to produce a sprain!) Sent me home with a scrip for Vicodin on a Sunday night. No place to fill it. It was worse on Monday; I went to ortho doc and they said subluxation of patella. Come back next week. Today is Tuesday and finally the pain is under control. Chickendad is running all over doing his chores, my chores, drugstore runs, etc. He is worth a million! I gotta get back on my feet, we've got a gazillion chickies hatching soon!

Hopefully I will get Barbara up and running soon. Lots of snow yesterday, so I don't dare go hobbling out to the coop to spy on her. And poor Chuckie the Chickie died (dunno, just dead on the floor) He was our 2nd best white cochin cockerel and a real sweetie.

Not a good week so far!
What a crummy week for you- I'm so sorry for your loss of Chuckie! I hope you stay off that knee as long as you can and give it
some well deserved rest so it can heal properly instead of rushing back into things too quickly- will you? Ok, I'm done clucking
at you- rest and feel better soon!
OWWWWWW!!! Dislocated kneecap?? Is that what subluxation of patella means? Sounds awful!! Take those pain pills and make yourself rest so your knee won't just continue to be stressed......Or whatever the doctor says, but do take care of yourself. When you have lots to do it is hard to sit still and let your body heal, but sometimes that is what is needed most. We're all sending healing thoughts your way!! (If moist heat is recommended, a rice bag zapped in the microwave is great. Just a cotton bag full of regular, not instant rice. Or a clean sock full of rice with a knot will work.)
Good Lord you can't catch a break! Sorry about your cochin, and your knee...I hope the rest of the week gets better for you...
I'm so sorry about your knee and also the loss of Chuckie. I'll say a prayer for your health and the health of your flock(and maybe add one for beautiful Barbara some feathers
Thank you. I think I have "turned the corner" with my knee, but Barbara has a way to go. She is looking more and more shabby—but she has a good personality. Maybe she can catch a date with one of the other boys. . .
I had a black sex-link go through a very hard molt this fall. Tell Barbara we love her and that she will have even more beautiful stripes when her new feathers come in.

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