The adventures of Barbara (BR)

65 pages into I discovered this thread. I just sat here for the last several hours reading all of Barbara's adventures, and I loved every minute of it! Barbara sounds like a real character, and I know of several feathered ladies around here that have similar attitudes, though none are BR's. At least, not yet. I won a few bids on E-Bay and I know one or two of the eggs in the bators is BR. My daughters listened to me reading them the adventures of Ms. Barbara and they loved it. Now they are excited and really hoping that their BR eggs hatch. We have a lovely greenish blue egg in there too. I REALLY hope that one hatches too! It will be a colorful brooder if even half of what I am incubating hatches. I have Silkies, BR, Orpingtons, EE's, d'Uccles, RIR, Sebrights, and other breeds, including some of my own bantam eggs, and some of my standard eggs. It will be Christmas in February when they start hatching! My 10 yr old daughter has determined that if her BR's hatch, and one is a girl, she's naming her Barbara. Guess we'll just have to wait and see! Keep us updated on Barbara's adventures. They should get interesting as Spring approaches!
The Big Trip

It was a busy weekend. The Baby Chickies and two of the Little Girls were going to church! The Sunday School Lesson was from the Book of Matthew: “I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings,” and the Food People were asked to provide the visual aids, namely Dusty, Cecily and the Babies.

Of course, for such an event the ritual of the Saturday bath must be followed, so Cecily had a bath in the kitchen sink. She had been playing in the mud in the chicken tractor, so her snowy white feathers needed restoration. She enjoyed her bath, but she really enjoyed sitting on the Food Lady’s lap getting blow dried. She closed her eyes and layed over on her side so the warmth could go everywhere. She looked like a big fluffy marshmallow when she was dry. The Food Man held her for a while and they read the paper and watched TV together. Cecily sat on his shoulder and combed his hair for him. Every now and then she would reach around and look cross-eyed at her reflection in his glasses.

Meanwhile, the Food Lady was bathing Dusty, the frizzle splash. Dusty was extremely dusty and dirty. She had been mud bathing earlier in the week when the weather was warmer. She, too, enjoyed the blow drying and primping. Then they both went into clean crates with fresh wood chips and grapes for being so good.

The next morning the Food People loaded up the van with the chickens and drove to church. The girls did not mind the ride at all, and the Babies tweeted and peeped to themselves all the way. The children were excited to see the chickens. They played with the Babies and fed them from their hands. Cecily strolled out of her crate just like a queen greeting her subjects. She explored the classroom and jumped up on the bench to see if there were any treats. She let the children hold and pet her and managed to poop on only the teacher. When she was done, she strolled right back into her crate.

Dusty made sure that Cecily knew who was boss, and it wasn’t Cecily. Once that was settled, Dusty paraded around looking for more treats. Since she was Boss, she didn’t poop on anyone, unlike real life.
Cecily and Dusty:
I'm sure Barbara was quite offended that it wasn't her getting to go to church and show off her pretty barred feathers. You might have to give her extra treats to earn back her trust...
Bibliophile birds: Thanks! I fell in love with that picture. It's a little Mille Fleur cochin project pullet, 2 weeks old. I think her tail is hysterical!

Chicken China Mom: Unfortunately, Barbara has hardly any pretty barred feathers to show off, unless I want to get them from the floor of the coop! She is in a moult Big Time! She can't even get Leroy to pay attention to her, especially now since he is a Stud Muffin and has babies with those gigantic Wyandotte girls!
I think the tail of your little avatar chickie is DARLING!! It gives her a very alert look, as if she is just about to do something that requires physical agility and she is poised for take off!!

Poor Barbara. Should a fan send Barbara a nice cape or something to cover up her moulting bare spots? I can't believe Leroy isn't being attentive during this time of need!!

Cecily sounds like she is a spa girl! It was fun to picture her on her side so the warm blow dryer could hit all the damp spots! And what a sweetheart to help comb Dad's hair!

I'm sure the children from the Sunday School class will remember this lesson for a long time. Another wonderful story, MrsChickendad!!
I love your chicken stories - especially now that I have discovered that your "fluffy marshmallow" chicken shares my name! I like to think of us "Cecily's" as a rare breed indeed!
She’s Baaaaack!!

Enough was enough! Barbara was tired of being cold and prickly and cooped up, so when the Food Man opened up the outside pen gate, she shot out the pop door and into the yard. Leroy was nearly left in her dust, but decided he had better go along and keep an eye on his favorite chicken woman. One of the ISAs also went as far as the yard, but the other girls hung back because of the big snow in front of the gate. It wasn’t worth getting their feet THAT cold!

The Food Lady came out to see how Barbara was getting on and was surprised to find Barbara’s neck all feathered out and Barbara back to her old self, bossing Leroy and stealing treats from him. They explored the pine tree bath and the puddles in the driveway. They posed for their portraits.


Barbara sauntered across the yard enjoying the warm sunshine when suddenly Leroy sounded the alarm! “BUGAWK BUGAWK! BUKBUKBUKBUKBUK BUGAWK!”

It was the dreaded furry house animal Louie, who had gotten out when the door opened! DANGER! DANGER! The Food Lady came over to rescue the chickens, but found she really needed to rescue Louie. He was plastered up against the door with eyes wide, meowing frantically as he tried to get away from the vicious bantam rooster. The back door was opened and Louie was saved. Leroy strutted off—he had done his job!

We always want Louie's eyes open so we can tell which end we are looking at. . .
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