The adventures of Barbara (BR)

I also echo: Thank you Mrs. Chickendad....for letting Love Child/Lover Boy to come clear across all the states to live with us. He has such a pretty crow. While I am out working in the yard I opened the Kennel door to let them out and get some more space, but neither of them are just interested yet. I'll give them a few more days and try again.
well Leon has managed to get in with all but 3 of the big girls and he is working really hard and romancing them. his dance is so cute and when we give treats he calls the girls over and will move aside to let the girls eat first if he does get a piece of bread if one of the girls wants it he drops it and lets the girls have it he is such a gentleman and has done really well with the girls and I think the girls are glad hes there.
Little Barbara says hi!
She is almost 15 weeks old and really into her tightrope walking. Every day, she jumps on the lawn chair for a better view of the kingdom. And when it falls over with her, she gets back up on one of the legs. She must be following along with this thread when I'm not around.

I am so glad I am not the only one who has chair pooping chickens! My BR Joon is the only one who get's on the highest part of the chair to scour the yard. Then, before leaving, she always leaves a big 'present' for me. Of course this is done in my chicken watching chair....
Mine now think that the patio set that my DS won for me is theirs to use as they see fit this includes leaving presents for me. my BR Zelda likes to get up on the wagon to see what the world looks like she does it everyday the babies like the back of the chairs why must the have their butts over the part where we sit and not the other way.
Wow!! I have finally come to the end of the posts.... I absolutely LOVE Barbara (who doesn't???)!

Thank you for sharing all of your wonderful stories!

Here is a picture of my two Barred Rock girls (one may be a roo- but we are going to wait and see!), Gwen and Stella.

And naughty Gwen (quite a bit like your Barbara) practicing her tight-rope walking on my dog, Bailey.

((Edited for spelling errors...))
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Dear Mrs. Chickendad:

I wanted to see your babies and how they are doing. As of right now they are being referred to as Tyson (yes this has multiple worries though, he will not become a frozen meal) and Sara. She just looks like a Sara, sweet little girl. So here are Tyson and Sara running around my BBQ pit area checking things out.





I have lawn surrounding the BBQ area, but they wanted to check out the the lilac bushes I planted last year against the house instead of roaming through the lawn. Oh, well...who's to know what a chicken is thinking.

They are doing well. Today my daughter caught some earthworms and "rolly-pollies" and gave it to Tyson and Sara instead of the 12 girls. While out, Tyson discovered the 12 Lil' Girls. Like a typical male, he dumped Sara and went to check them out. I told my DH this. His comment was: " 1 girl or 12 girls?" of course he is gonna go check out the 12. Typical male.

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