The adventures of Barbara (BR)

yep he did not stay in jail he escaped but all is well and he loves his ladies caught him romancing my biggest hen measured her the other day 10lbs and 21 inches tall hows that for Leon. lol
I love the look they have when they look into the camera.
Bob's expression made me laugh when the post popped up on my screen.
Leory is pretty in that picture! Bob and Marian are so cute! And you know what the funny thing is, is that my late grandpa's name is Bob and my grandma's (his wife) name is Mary!
Keep the stories comin'! (PLEASE!)
I am now the proud person to an offspring of Barbara and Leroy. Love Child - called this until a further suitable name can be discovered or this may stick - and his companian a really pretty little girl that Barbara and Leroy's person is going to have to explain to you who the pretty little girl is. They are set up in a temporary home to try to maintain them in a quarantine. Love Child came out of the box already finding "yum-yums" on the ground for the Pretty Lil' Girl. He was doing all kinds of Roo behavior. It was funny, even after he had been a box for some 50 hours, he still put on the Roo attitude and show. He was a gentleman and was picking blades of grass for her and giving her all the good seeds I had thrown on the ground. Just a gentleman. I am so excited to be able to introduce him to the group of Lil' Girls, here in some 30 day. Until then, they are in jail.

One of my pomeranians came up to the fence, both the Roo and little hen got spooked and hid behind me, I assured them that Sabyl was a wuss and more afraid of them. I was correct, Sabyl ran off, and my pretty Lil' Roo went back to taking care of his girl..

I promise to get some photos, it was late tonight and I wanted to make sure they got some good food and water and were relaxed after their long journey. I think they will like it here.
I have not read through this whole thread but think that what I have read is totally hilarious! The chicken version of Marley and Me.
News Update

Not much has been happening in Barbara’s department lately: wakeup, stretch, eat, drink, go out, come in, lay egg, go out, go to spa, look for bugs, etc. Leroy had to return to anger management class, and immediately on his release he went over to Uncle Hot Stuff and beat him up. The Chickendads haven’t found Hot Stuff yet, but expect he is holed up under the deck steps avoiding confrontation with the wicked Leroy.

Monday Mrs. Chickendad took two of the remaining three Love Children and mailed them to Teresa and Dale and their family in Washington. Being rebellious teenagers, they missed the plane and so were delayed in getting to their destination, not arriving until late Wednesday afternoon. There were nearly enough heart attacks to go around waiting for them, but they arrived safely and very hungry. (Probably ate all the grapes in the first hour. . . . "I TOLD you to save some for later. . .")

The Chickendads are grandchickenparents again. Cecily, the little feathered basketball cochin has hatched her first egg! The project for today is to get Cecily and her baby into the new Broody House that was obtained at a garage sale yesterday. It is quite spectacular, with a picture window, poop trays and it’s own stand. Think fancy rabbit hutch only taller. The bargain of the week! Pictures to follow . . .
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Yes, as Mrs. Chickendad stated, the kids got home late from the dance after having missed their connection in Seattle. They were in big trouble too and I scolded them, but now that they are home and the feelling of heart attacks over, how can one be angry with such a pretty little boy and girl. Will be coming up with names but right now the term Love Child has changed from a noun to a name...Referring to him as Love Child and her as Lil' Sis. They are doing well, in jail, this morning.

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