The adventures of Barbara (BR)

Yes and there is still ONE more Love Child available. A blue wyandotte x cochin pullet. Free to good home!

We were laughing the other day about all the "Love Children" and "Little Girls", etc. People on the outside might think we were trafficking in something other than chickens!
Yes and there is still ONE more Love Child available. A blue wyandotte x cochin pullet. Free to good home!

We were laughing the other day about all the "Love Children" and "Little Girls", etc. People on the outside might think we were trafficking in something other than chickens!

Yep, after you pointed this out I thought I had better change my wording or at least add chicken at the end of the phrase. LOL. Just went out and checked on them (just got back from field trip with daughter). They are doing great. Gave them some more they are eating good. He Crowed. Hubby will be so excited. Love Child crowed. I have missed that sound for so long. What a beautiful sound.
Perish the thought!

Did my first ever candling today (Day 8) Think I have 4 cream legbars and 3 Buffys developping out of 10 eggs.
Wish me luck
Aww, that is precious, Leon and an admirer!

I subscribed to this topic several weeks back, and have learned so much about our feathered friends, thanks to Barbara, Leroy, and their chicken friends. Mrs. Chickendad, you are a great story-teller!


Well, went out to let the Lil' Girls out of the coop and to let my new little Roo and his companion hen out of the dog crate into their "kennel" for quarantine time. I do believe that the name Love Child may stick or Lover Boy or something along this idea....I let them out of the crate (which is roomy it is for a big dog) and he immediately starts trying to romancing the litle girl - who is in no way interested. Love Child is all puffed up and strutting and dancing and talking....I was informed that 3 was a crowd and he was not interested in my presence at all and would I please leave. Sheesh, just like a kid: Love them up, give them treats, a clean room, and they snub you until they want the keys to the car or money for a date. I can take a hint....BTW Love Child, Lil' Sis is not interested in you.
Same here Leon is trying to romance the babies who show no interest what so ever but Leon has managed to romance both the barred rocks I have he is such a great guy I love him thanks again Mrs chickendad for allowing him to come live with us in Kansas. his and the girls new home is just about done so they should be moving into their new coop soon. can't wait to see what Barbara comes up with next.

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