The adventures of Barbara (BR)

"Peep in?" Oh, Caroline, that one is a groaner!

You know, they say puns are the most intelligent form of humor. You are a genius!
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The sock nest must have a story, besides being a rolled up sock. Does it have any reinforcement? I think that should I ever get my 'bator they could be very handy for tired babies.
Not really, I just noticed how babies like to cuddle down the paper egg trays they hatch in, in food cups, soft cloth, etc. So Chickendad donated one of his old socks and the babies seemed to like it. I just leave it in there until they are really fluffed out under the heat lamp, and have lots of buddies to keep them warm. So, sorry, no fascinating story behind it!
The Reunion

Saturday was such a lovely day at the Chickendad’s. It was sunny and a little cool, but all the dirty snow was gone and the Big Chickie Girls tore out of the door and headed for the yard. The grass was getting green, and the girls found out If you stuck your chicken toenail into the flower bed just right you could dig up a tasty worm.

The Chickendads wanted to get the yard cleaned up, so Mrs. Chickendad raked all the leaves and debris off the flower beds and into a nice neat pile on the sidewalk. Before she could get it picked up and in the garden cart, all the Big Girls came over to make sure that she had not missed a worm or some other tasty morsel in the leaves. They spread it all over the sidewalk looking for goodies. Since they had not been able to help landscape in so long, Mrs. Chickendad was sure to appreciate their efforts.

The boys in the Bachelor Coop got let out too. Leroy was strutting and crowing in front of the other Little Boys. Then he spied Barbara!

“Barbara, Hey Barbara!” His little drumsticks pumped furiously as he ran over to Barbara and Monica. He was so glad to see “HER”. Barbara must have been happy to see Leroy, as she allowed him to renew their aquaintance under the spruce tree. They next renewed their friendship over by the Cochin Coop, and again by the Big Coop. Their friendship was renewed several times over the afternoon, and Leroy’s little chicken heart was happy at last. His Woman Chicken had returned!

When it came time to go to bed for the night, Leroy was torn. He stood between the Big Coop and the Bachelor Coop trying to decide where he should go. He eventually gave up the idea of staying with Barbara (her two big Wyandotte bodyguards may have influenced him) and trotted off to stay with the bachelors. He had already sacrificed his wattles last summer to Walter, so maybe it wasn’t a good idea to push his luck. He could see Barbara tomorrow, and besides she was wearing a blue dress and her head was naked and her butt was really pointy. Not much to snuggle with until her feathers grew back.

Leroy's heart is happy!!! Nothing like "renewing an aquaintance" under the Spruce tree (and everywhere else it would seem) to make a guy happy!
Hehe. Yeah, spring is here! What a helpful girl Barbara is. Such a good girl!

Had to put Bosco in his own private bachelor pad. I have had enough of the bald scraggly looking hens. Bosco sees to feel the need to prove he is a big man since Rastus the roo started crowing. They take turns seeing who has the biggest crow and Bosco, since he has perfected the art of wooing the ladies, rubs that in Rastus' face as much as he can. The girls don't even see him coming.

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