The African and Chinese goose thread!!


This is my chinese gosling and is same age as baby above and notice the African is lighter then the chinese under the strip area more creamy colour then the chinese which is more grey then creamy ,that's also a way to see difference in africans and chinese

my buff africans

They are all beautiful serv but I have to say those Buffs are something special, maybe it's because we don't see them often.
nice pics..two of my geese have knobs at the top of their beaks...the other I am sure is a Toulouse. Thank you for the geese are about 4 months old..The strip on the Gander is very dark ..the one on the goose is a lighter brown... the gander...Jack..likes to walk right up to me with his head up honking..I am not sure if that is a greeting or a challenge, but on a couple of occasions when he did this I just caught him..held him & stroked him till he was very very calm & then let him down. I wonder if he liked it & is "asking " for more attention!!!
I think that the AfricanxToulouse mix is very aggersive mix of breed since i have only one and he is attacking everything! Not me though but also my AfricanxChineseEmbden gander is aggersive to everything :/ it's only with some crosses
oh boy, not sure what they are now. have been told African Toulouse and now Chinese ....?? Actually the top two pics are of the same bird, male I am most certain and the bottom pic is of the female. Not sure cause I didn't purchase from a breeder but they are likely siblings. I have track of their age but somewhere around 3 or 4 months old.

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