The African and Chinese goose thread!!


Here are some young Buff and Brown Africans. They were about 10 months old here. I have a bunch of white, buff and browns right now that were hatched in April. I will try and get some pictures of them tomorrow to share.

I absolutely love these pics! Brown Africans are such gorgeous birds! I do hope mine will develop their dewlap. It's actually one of the things I find so attractive about them. Toulouse geese as well. If they don't I might try to find a breeder with some good stock and get some hatching eggs for mine to sit on in a year or two.
Zoo~ Great photos! We had a nice day yesterday too and so the babies got to spend lots of time outside. It was oooooober fun to sit and play with them. We met the dog yesterday too, all went well as my dog loves babies.

Bhonkers, JenC and Zoo~ Thank you very much for your help and information.

Jen~ Thank you for posting photos of your beautiful birds!
I can see huge differences in your birds compared to mine. I believe mine are hatchery stock and also Chinese or Chinese cross. The bills especially, are very different from the bills of your Africans, along with the necks. The 2 that I have that are very much different from the rest seem like they are more African than the others and now I have noticed that one of the juveniles is also more African in appearance than the others. I enjoy them immensly.....all of them and have fallen in love with them and never thought I would.

Do the Africans come in white also or am I misunderstanding your post? I do that (misunderstand) alot, LOL.

The Buff's are GORGEOUS! Love their coloring.
We finally got the new "pond" dug in over the weekend and filled it up, one they finally can't touch the bottom in. They are a little skeptical of it still, though the ducks really like it. I managed to snap a pic before they all freaked out lol. Mr. Wiggles is in it along with Jane, but Peaches and Harvey just aren't sure yet.

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We finally got the new "pond" dug in over the weekend and filled it up, one they finally can't touch the bottom in. They are a little skeptical of it still, though the ducks really like it. I managed to snap a pic before they all freaked out lol. Mr. Wiggles is in it along with Jane, but Peaches and Harvey just aren't sure yet.

Oh cool they have their own little pool like that!
Zoo~ Great photos! We had a nice day yesterday too and so the babies got to spend lots of time outside. It was oooooober fun to sit and play with them. We met the dog yesterday too, all went well as my dog loves babies.

Bhonkers, JenC and Zoo~ Thank you very much for your help and information.

Jen~ Thank you for posting photos of your beautiful birds!
I can see huge differences in your birds compared to mine. I believe mine are hatchery stock and also Chinese or Chinese cross. The bills especially, are very different from the bills of your Africans, along with the necks. The 2 that I have that are very much different from the rest seem like they are more African than the others and now I have noticed that one of the juveniles is also more African in appearance than the others. I enjoy them immensly.....all of them and have fallen in love with them and never thought I would.

Do the Africans come in white also or am I misunderstanding your post? I do that (misunderstand) alot, LOL.

The Buff's are GORGEOUS! Love their coloring.
My husband even sat put with me. He is so silly over the goslings. Chuck is 'his' gander. He babies that little guy. So sweet. They are little grass/weed hoovers. Yesterday we were very impressed!

Here are some young Buff and Brown Africans. They were about 10 months old here. I have a bunch of white, buff and browns right now that were hatched in April. I will try and get some pictures of them tomorrow to share.


Miss Sarah taking a breather. She was busy finding all the tender green tidbits off the weeds lol.
Do the Africans come in white also or am I misunderstanding your post? I do that (misunderstand) alot, LOL.

The Buff's are GORGEOUS! Love their coloring.
Yes, they do also come in white. But they're not as common.

We finally got the new "pond" dug in over the weekend and filled it up, one they finally can't touch the bottom in. They are a little skeptical of it still, though the ducks really like it. I managed to snap a pic before they all freaked out lol. Mr. Wiggles is in it along with Jane, but Peaches and Harvey just aren't sure yet.

Very cool pond! I'm sure the other two will jump in once they see all the fun they're missing out on. Silly geese.

And Jen C, thanks for posting!!! Very lovely geese!
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Yes, Africans do come in white. I will post some pics tomorrow of my young whites. I had a really hard time finding a place to buy them.

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