The African and Chinese goose thread!!

male or female goose it was bought from a feed store at Easter time

These 3 joined our family a few weeks ago. I'm wondering if they are Chinese or African geese and if anyone has a guess as to gender. My guess thus far is the center one is male and the other 2 female. The one in the middle has a different call, more of a squeaky whistle. The other 2 have true honks. Ideas? I do have a video clip of them talking but have no idea how to get it here.
Ok maybe a silly question but I'm up in ontario Canada and my 2 chiniese girls are laying. Was really unexpected here the problem if I were to let them sit they'd loose weight right before the cold weather starts. So we're incubating the eggs. If they hatch how big should the goslings be before I introduce them to the flock?
Ok maybe a silly question but I'm up in ontario Canada and my 2 chiniese girls are laying. Was really unexpected here the problem if I were to let them sit they'd loose weight right before the cold weather starts. So we're incubating the eggs. If they hatch how big should the goslings be before I introduce them to the flock?
They may take them right off but you'd have to be absolutely sure they were keeping them warm and safe. If you don't introduce when first hatched you'll have to wait till they are fully feathered and can take the temps before they will be able to be outside full time. While they are feathering in though on nice days you can take them out and introduce them to the flock so they already know each other when they can go out for good.

Keep us updated . @cedarhedge Welcome to BYC

These 3 joined our family a few weeks ago. I'm wondering if they are Chinese or African geese and if anyone has a guess as to gender. My guess thus far is the center one is male and the other 2 female. The one in the middle has a different call, more of a squeaky whistle. The other 2 have true honks. Ideas? I do have a video clip of them talking but have no idea how to get it here.
Trio, gander is center. These are brown Chinese.
Ok maybe a silly question but I'm up in ontario Canada and my 2 chiniese girls are laying. Was really unexpected here the problem if I were to let them sit they'd loose weight right before the cold weather starts. So we're incubating the eggs. If they hatch how big should the goslings be before I introduce them to the flock?
Incubated goslings can sometimes be snuck under broody goose at night. Thats a stay up and watch thing to be sure they do accept them! Otherwise you will need to introduce after they are fully feathered out. Comingling goose flocks can be a challenge, so have patience. A few minutes a day and just keep lengthening the time together.
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Ok so haven't had much luck with hatching. Have gotten 2 of 9 eggs to hatch 1 didn't make it after breaking through the shell. Most recent is struggling to get out and getting week. When candling seem to all be fertilizer and at early stages seeing veins etc in shell. Air space gets larger but don't seem to make it. Here is my best pick of the second hatchling
Alright, I'm really hoping someone has some advice for me! I recently gave my grandparents a pair of African geese from my last hatch. They've always wanted some, and my grandfather was so excited to get them. He's gone out of his way to make them a safe stall in the barn, bond with them and kept them inside for a week so they knew barn was home. The first week he started letting them out on his 4 acre property they did great. Went to bed at night wit out any trouble.

Then they discovered the pond. Now they won't come in off of it into the barn at night. They swim out to the middle of the half acre pond and it takes a good hour or two to scare them off the pond and into the barn. He only feeds them at night, and that's not working either.

He's older, and has a bad knee, and can't do this every night. He's heartbroken. Any suggestions on getting them in at night again?

Thanks so much!

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