Yes I have noticed my bantams are seasonal layers. The hens stopped when they started molting about late August early September and the couple of pullets hatched in March layed a couple eggs in September but stopped about October. I just thought it was because I don’t add lights until mid January. I was getting zero eggs from October till just last week. I turned my lights on for 14 hrs on 1/15 and I’m now getting 6-8 eggs a day from 11 pullets / hens mix.
Last winter the same thing I didn’t bump up the lights till mid February and almost 2 weeks to the day most of them started laying.
In the spring and summer I get 5-6 eggs a week from each of them.
Hey everyone! Is it normal for an Ameraucana to have not laid an egg yet at 10 months? 🤔 She was hatched April 21 2022, and still hasn’t laid her first egg! She’s been squatting for months now and has a red comb! Very impatiently waiting for that blue egg 😅

I wouldn't call it normal for Ameraucana to take that long.
But it is normal for pullets who haven't started laying by the time you get less than 11 hours of light to then not begin until the light increases.
If they start before the darkness, they can continue through it.
In essence, she's been POL since you saw the signs, but the darkest months don't count.
It's really only production breeds, especially Leghorns, that can initiate laying in the darkest days of winter.

The Ameraucana we raised this year started laying at 5-7 months, respectively. They've been egg-a-day since.
Well this is a very weird coincidence…. Zoe ended up laying her first egg today. So weird that she laid her egg the day I posted about her 🤣🤣

I just had to share with my fellow Ameraucana lovers…we took out bantam wheaten pair to the Greater CA Poultry Show and my daughter’s cockerel won JR Reserve Champion in the AOCCL class! She was so excited! 😍 They were the only bantam Ameraucanas, but the class was tough! He was beaten by a bantam laced Cornish pullet that was really amazing!



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