The American Cemani Breeders forum

I very seldom let any of my culls leave my place, and if they do, they only go to two people right now that I trust 100% with what they will and are doing with them. Other than that, I cull them, because I have tried in the past to give  other breeds of chickens away just as pets and was promised that they would not breed. Well most of them would breed and sell every single chick that hatched and tied my name to them. So I do not recommend at all letting them go for pets, unless they know that person very very well. All most people see with this breed right now is $$$ and will breed culls and sell culls.

That is what I'm afraid of, dishonest people! Well grow out they will then I will enjoy a dark meat bird as culls are needed. I love black or white animals so the fm is what drew me to the breed I hope to raise them right and eventually get to where I can sell some (to help recoop some costs & continue doing what I love).
It ended up being a respritory infection probably from when I moved them from the barn to their coop outside and went crazy with sweet pdz powder everywhere.

Live and learn right?
Sorry to hear this happened to you. I know you know this but I will say it for others that don't know it: When you have sick birds, feed the sick ones last and change your clothes between feedings. That helps prevent spreading the infection. Also assume that all are infected and need to be treated.

I keep seeing all these migrating birds on the property. Hopefully they don't bring any bad bugs with them.
Everyone got tylan injections for 3 days. The wild birds make me crazy. Trying to figure out how to keep them out. They can't get into the cemani/bresse area.

I find the cemani are very arrogant and are just making the bresse hide under the coop. I might need to separate them.
I actually didn't sell any Cemani until I was on my third generation. The cull roosters just got processed and given to my friends. Believe it or not but they have just as much value as food in certain cultures as they do for show. The Hmong are a good example of that. Many Hmong women would eat a diet of black meat chickens after childbirth for 30 days. They believe that the black meat helps repair their bodies after childbirth. If I can find the link to the research paper on the subject I will post it later. But the point I am trying to make is that your culls may have value to someone other than a budding business.

And don't worry. People that want Ayam Cemani but can't afford them already have one option. I am giving away eggs from my "Smithies" for free. So you don't really need to sell culls. If people want them, I can give them the Smities eggs for free. Or I am sure that anyone that receives the eggs from me will probably also give them for free or for a very low price. And I know some Cemani breeders are also giving away their improved lines for free as well. So if people really want Ayam Cemani but can't afford them, there are already low cost or free options. Plus it is just a matter of time before a hatchery begins selling Ayam Cemani in large amounts.
yes you mentioned the hmong women eating chicken for thirty days after childbirth.
this is true my girlfriend is hmong and we participate in the traditional culture
things and it is true it has to be boiled chicken and rice because it is believed
that if you dont and you comsume fatty foods when you get older your more prone to
diseases and you will become weaker so a thirty day cleanse of chicken and rice is
what they do for this...they also believe the black meat birds are more tender so it
is more common to see hmong eating black meat birds over reg meat birds...for example
my girlfriends brother in laws, brother's wife just had a child and they drove 3 hours
to where i am at to kill 100 chickens so she could have the chicken and rice...
right tell me about was very difficult to kill that many chickens in one day but when you have ten plus people doing it ...don't take long...and we did it the old fashion plucker by hand..

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