The American Cemani Breeders forum

so we butchered a cemani roo from gff...that didnt have desired traits for are some pics
well this was def the most expensive butchered bird...that we did not use...
you can see that its not all the way black thruought...

the meat is i would say

skin is black

the gizzards are dark like mohagany with a black hue to them...when we cut the gizzard open..the outside was dark and the inside was lighter...alot lighter

and cant forget our chicken catcher....and helper
birdman what were the traits that made you decide to cull? Do you have a picture of this one before you butchered him? I like to try to associate external characteristics with internal attributes, which I believe will in the future help identify those birds with better internal fm without having to butcher them.
to many roosters...and it had a light inside grey mouth....i really am wondering how truly black from the eye these fibro birds are when butchered thruought the body...i have butchered four cemanis now, two svart honas...and none of them were per say dark black thruought...maybe im just to picky but i just dont see in a pic the bird can look better or worse depending on sunlight, going to get some pics quick of so far the keepers
I have recently Hatched out what looks to be a silver/purple Americana
(Mix of Americana and Cemani)
They are already very different from all other Americana Chicks
I am excited to see what colors develop

and yes , my wife gave them a plush lemur to be a surrogate mom...
(I wish my wife had not gotten all artsy with the color of this photo)

To the eye the chicks are much more silver and blue than these pictures..
better pictures coming...
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hey guys. i just lost my ayam cemani rooster to a dog attack yesterday and would like to replace him. i can't find any locally. i have a mixed flock of various breeds, including two ayam cemani hens. at least decent quality in case i decide to start a project in the future (i dont sell chicks or eggs but i enjoy my rare breeds and omelletes) but as it stands now i am now without a rooster. he sure was cool to look at and was a great protector. anyone have an available cockerel or rooster theyd be willing to ship PM me. thanks and enjoy your weekend.

i'm considering a svart for the all-black qualities as well, but i'm still leaning towards ayam cemani. they sure look cool!

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