The Animals of our local Shelter

Copper the saint bernard, she's 8-years-old but still playful and sweet

Finn the boxer mix

Harmony the boxer mix

Pumpkin the pittie mix puppy girl

Wiley the husky mix

Wilson the male boxer mix
Copper the saint bernard, she's 8-years-old but still playful and sweet Finn the boxer mix Harmony the boxer mix Pumpkin the pittie mix puppy girl Wiley the husky mix Wilson the male boxer mix
Awww they're so cute!! Lots of boxers! And that poor Saint Bernard looks so skinny :( hope she can put some weight and/or muscle on soon!
Awww they're so cute!! Lots of boxers!

And that poor Saint Bernard looks so skinny
hope she can put some weight and/or muscle on soon!
Thanks. : )

Copper is pretty skinny, but the picture makes her look worse then she is. She also has some missing fur from her time as a stray, but it getting treated for that and doing well. She is so cute.
Probably. I haven't stopped by today yet. I can't wait to see the dogs. It's always so much more relaxed when it isn't crowded and all the dogs can get the exercise they need (when there are too many its hard to get them all out on regular walks and yard-time).

I'm sure it won't take long for Luci, Finn, and Harmony to find their homes as well. Large dogs, pitties, and hounds can take longer to be adopted, which is why Rigby, Cagney, Freckles, Fraley, Lita, Prancer, and Sasha may take longer than some of the others.

Jiffy, Miffy, Lance, Gus, Zoey, T-Bone, Macey, Pork Chop, Aramis, Boomer, Spot, Loka, Kashmere, Deacon, Fritter and Carter are all on hold as they get spayed/neutered and vaccinated.

Freckles, Dory, Clancy, Chunk-A-Monk, Alby, Adam, John, Ryker, Shelby, Taro, and Zither are all in foster currently, learning skills that they were never taught when they were in their old homes or strays.

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