The Bantam Thread!

I am so glad that they got here safe and that we all survived the experience. They are beautiful but of course mine are beautiful-er.

I'm glad they are here too! Thanks for being there with me! It was nice to have someone else to talk to and check in with!

So your keeping the RIR's for meaties?

I'm glad they are here too! Thanks for being there with me! It was nice to have someone else to talk to and check in with!

So your keeping the RIR's for meaties?
I am thinking about it but if anything will turn me vegan it will be the act of killing a chicken that I raised from a day old. Everyone tells me that roosters will change my mind but I can't see it. I tried watching a You Tube on how to do it and it was too much like watching Texas Chainsaw Massacres for my taste. Could be I try to find some kid in town that needs a 4H project and just give them to them. We shall see.
I was in the same situation so I decided to do the same thing with a rooster that I did not want. I was ok with the butchering part since I hunt and fish I have butchered pigs, deer, fish, dove, but when it came time to eat him I couldn't so I fed him to my dog. I think it was the way I prepared him to, were all used to the big fat steriod chickens and the roo came out lean and tough. A neighbor later on told me to cook them in a crock pot and it should make it more tender.
So far 8 Sebright Bantams are surviving. Other that the one we lost in the first 24 hours they seem to be doing great. Active, happy peeping, eating and drinking and poop, poop, pooping!!! We did have a scare last night though. At about 2:30 a.m. there was a nasty storm pass through and out with the power for two hours. It got down to 59 in the brooder but they all huddled together and don't seem the worse for the ware today. They are already getting their wing feathers which I have to research but that can be an indicator of gender.
We were lucky enough not to lose power last night! Everyone is doing fine. I did find out 3/4 of my "silkies" are mixes. The lady offered to give me three more when she hatches silkies (who knows when that will be). Right now I have a couple who might be interested in taking them but I'm going to let them feather out more first to try to see what they are mixed with.. although maybe getting rid of them as chicks is smarter (that way they are straight run instead of winding up with a bunch of roos).
Mine also have wing feathers and their lacing is already evident. Although they are small they are sturdy little guys (or gals, hopefully mostly gals).
nayeli how have the Sebright Bantams you got turned out? I ended up with one male and two female Silver and three male and two female Goldens. They are pretty much full grown and feathered except for their heads. And, I am almost finished with their pen. They will have a 3 x 5 "coop" of their own and their own 200 sq ft run that has a mimosa and a peach tree in it. I thought they would like the trees since they like to fly and perch. They are so small they could get through the chain link around the perameter so I am having to attach 1/4 inch fence fabric to that as well. But, they should be able to go outside in the next week or so depending on the weather. As for the male chicks they sent, they have turned out to be Red Broilers. They have their own bachelor pen and will go to freezer camp in another month or so.

Hope yours all did well and you are as happy with them as I am with mine. I think I may have to rehome two of the Goldens if I can find someone since 3 little roosters with two females just won't work.
nayeli how have the Sebright Bantams you got turned out? I ended up with one male and two female Silver and three male and two female Goldens. They are pretty much full grown and feathered except for their heads. And, I am almost finished with their pen. They will have a 3 x 5 "coop" of their own and their own 200 sq ft run that has a mimosa and a peach tree in it. I thought they would like the trees since they like to fly and perch. They are so small they could get through the chain link around the perameter so I am having to attach 1/4 inch fence fabric to that as well. But, they should be able to go outside in the next week or so depending on the weather. As for the male chicks they sent, they have turned out to be Red Broilers. They have their own bachelor pen and will go to freezer camp in another month or so.

Hope yours all did well and you are as happy with them as I am with mine. I think I may have to rehome two of the Goldens if I can find someone since 3 little roosters with two females just won't work.
I am down to one now. I rehomed a known roo and two other sebrights that were iffy. Mine is almost two months but not even close to full grown, she is still much to small to be in the grown up pen and she is with BABIES now LOL.
Honestly I am not super thrilled with them as they were all super flighty.... more like wild birds than chickens. We will see if she calms down as she grows around my more docile chickens or not. I had read different reviews on them so its a wait to see how she grows up! With the temperament I have seen thus far I think your run that is more like an aviary would be perfect for them!
Haven't had eggs in 3 weeks. Come home today from being gone all weekend and found 3! Guess the warmer weather got her moving.

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