the best dust bath...


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 6, 2008
We just moved our chicken coop and run to a highly overgrown and over weeded area of our land so the chickens can de-weed it for us. They don't have anywhere nearby or in the pen to dust bathe in though so I thought I'd make them something. I have a cat litter box but I'm not sure what the best thing to fill it with is. I've heard of using sand but I'm wondering if there are other good or better options to use....
Cool. The main thing I'm wanting to do is make sure I can sprinkle some pest control (probably sevin) in with it
Yep, 5% sevin dust in the dusting holes is your best friend, I would never be without it! Simply add some to the dusting area, mix it in and allow the flock to do the rest.

It keeps life simple and the flock protected from lice and mites, a simple win, win situation for you and the flock.

Good Luck and nothing but the best wishes....

I know about 80% of the people I've talked to have said that sevin is harmless on chickens, but some disagree. I've dusted my chickens once with sevin with no problems.
And I forgot to add, does anyone use just regular dirt from their yard to make a dust bath for their chickens?
I went to the feed store yesterday to get some sevin and they dont carry it anymore. In fact, none of the feed stores in my area do, anymore. I wonder why? Instead, they carry a poultry/garden dust. Gosh, just reading the label made me kinda scared to use it..Can't get it on my skin or clothes, and if I do, I need to call the Poison Control center immediately! Sheesh, are they sure its safe for chickens?

My girls have mites, thats for sure...but I dont know if I want to use something that toxic to kill them...Won't DE be enough?


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