The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!


I love it!! DH is going to make so much fun of me for getting hooked on a chicken soap story. Your a wonderfull writer and I hope you keep it up I can't wait to read more.
:lol:we're all just a bunch of lady chickens waitin' at the door for the goodies...:lol:whoops! Just thought of something...DOn't you dare let this biggest lil rooster get killed, either...we're all rootin' for him now...:eek:
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CHAPTER 4 - Subtitled- Roo gets in Biiiiiiiiiig Trouble

I think the story needs a map, just so readers can understand. Little chickens live in the shed. Big girls(Ladies) are in the coop. Map is not to scale. My yard is 1 acre. RH neighbors have about 3/4 acre each. LH1 and 2 make up a half-acre, and LH3 is the older couple neighbors and their acre.

You wouldn't think it, but chickens like the weekend too. Having the humans home is a nice break in routine, and this particular weekend, the humans were working on getting the new coop and run done. It MIGHT have gotten a bit further along than it did if the humanlady would have worked and not kept chasing chickens.
The biggest little rooster was really getting somewhere with the Ladies. He followed humanlady to the Ladies pen, and happily greeted them as they were freed. He made sure they were all all right, and then took them to the older couples yard.
When the older couple heard the humans were getting chickens, they both requested a rooster. The biggest little rooster knew this, so he stood at the bottom of their deck stairs and crowed as loudly as he could. Four times. He was a tad disappointed because no one came out and gave him treats. He gave their cat the evil eye. The Ladies were impressed that he'd be willing to stand up to a wild animal. Even if he was bigger than the cat, it WAS a wild animal.
All day, the Ladies followed the biggest little rooster around the yards. He was getting so much attention, he was strutting proud.
Later in the afternoon, humanguy got out the big noisy red toy. Even the littlest chickens know what that big red toy means- fresh grass clippings!!!!!! The littlest chickens followed the big red toy around, but the biggest little rooster kept his ladies away until it was safe. Then he scratched up the little clumps so his ladies didn’t have to do any work.
The sun fell out of the sky, and the biggest little rooster was sad. He really hated this time of day. But he couldn't let the ladies see his sadness. He wouldn't want them to think he was depressing. So he walked his ladies home, and got his little flock to bed.
Sunday morning was a lot of the same. The biggest little rooster felt he was the luckiest guy in the whole world. He had not one, but FOUR beautiful ladies who seemed to love him. Well, two seemed to love him, one just liked him, and the fourth hadn't been convinced he was worthy yet.
Maybe it was all the attention that went to his head. Or maybe he just wanted to show the ladies more of the world. Chickens in love do unexplainable things.
The biggest little rooster was lost!!!! He crowed for help. With all the traffic on the road, humanlady didn't hear the far away crow. Luckily, the medium little rooster did, and he crowed back " Hey Where are you".
The biggest little rooster crowed back " Over Here!! How do I get back"
The medium little rooster responded, " Follow my voice".
The biggest little rooster was slightly embarrassed. He didn't want the ladies to think he was bad with directions. Especially since he was trying to get them to be impressed with his sense of adventure and travel. So he didn't follow the medium little rooster’s voice.
As they were yelling back and forth to each other, the humanlady had gone to the yard behind, and was walking thru very tall scratchy grass to try to find him. After cutting through a hole in the fence, and ducking thrashing tree branches and sticky bushes, she went through the right hand neighbors yard, around his bushes and into the right-hand neighbor 2's yard. After brushing spiderwebs off her legs, she looked up and what did she see? One biggest little rooster and 4 ladies.
The biggest little rooster heard the humanlady calling him, and he went running. He was pretending to be very obedient, but in fact he was so glad to be rescued without looking bad to his ladies.
All that traveling and exploring wore them all out. The biggest little rooster led the ladies into the bushes to take a dustbath and a nap. But no napping for the rooster. He had to stand guard, because you never know when a wild animal will appear


To be continued after nap time:
I just want to thank everyone who is reading all this and encouraging me to go on. I started it because you just dont think of chickens having feelings. And maybe they don't. But last week, when I saw the biggest little rooster rally wanting to be with the ladies, well, I could swear he does have feelings. I don't think I have ever paid as much attention to chickens before. The story is giving me good reason to pay closer attention, which has brought some peace in a hectic life. Even I look forward to the next chapter- because the ONLY part of this story that is "fabricated" is my interpretation of what the biggest little rooster is thinking/feeling.
So thanks, everyone for reading the continuing saga of my rooster. I'll continue to add untill ya all get bored or start sending me hatemail!!!

And Mr. Skyfires-
I hope you didn't get offended at the reference to the rooster not asking directions cause he was a guy. I'm one of the worst offenders at refusing to ask directions. Just ask my husband- he'll tell ya

Ok, now I will start the next chapter. And if you don't "awwwwww" at the ending, you are a cold hearted person. LOL
I can't wait to pick up where we left off!! I told my hubby and all he could do is shake his head and said I need to get more often. lol now I am. The puppies I helped when they were being born are now being bottle fed by their owner and me. Their mama got a nasty infection so she can't take care of them. So us two ladies are out there every four hours feeding ten hungry little puppies. I love being able to come home and read about your big little rooster.

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