The Calvary is here!


The Chicken Whisperer
Premium Feather Member
13 Years
May 11, 2010
I went to a historical reenactment today. And of course the horses were my favorite part. And I learned how important the battle of Cowpens was in determining the course of the United State's future.

The camp cook had his fire going.

Young soldiers flirted with the girls

The tents were ready

Camp cook checking on his stew

The camp dishwasher is hard at work

These women were waiting for something.

While the men rest in the shade

And the Calvary has arrived

Spectators learned about the differences in the uniforms and how the mounted militia intimidated the enemy forces.

This fellow obligingly stopped for a photo op.

However, rifles are needed in any war, and they do require maintenance.

The cannons were impressive and I was surprised firing the weapon took 5 people working together to create the Big Bang!
Dang that thing was loud!

Where was the reenactment? I need to brush up on my Revolution-era history. I've always wanted to go to one, they sound really cool.
This one was in Cowpens, SC. It's definitely a fun learning experience.
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