The Cat Thread-For Cat Owners

People often ask how ours cats get along with the chickens. This picture says it all. Our BR jumped onto the chair, not realizing that Tonks was there. The chicken paused, then settled made herself comfortable. The cat never stopped grooming herself.

I have a cat (see her pic below) who just loves chicks! She knows when they are coming and where they come from. She knows! When I get the incubators out, I have to push her out of the way all the time. She starts purring and rubbing all over me while I try to set them up. I had to start taping my incubator lids shut because she loves to snuggle up next to them or on them and once she accidently jarred the lid. She will sit by those incubators or sleep near them most of the time. Once, after the hatch, when the chicks were in the brooder box, I forgot to close the wire lid I had on it. Well, when I went back in the room later I found my cat in one corner of the brooder, just laying there observing all the chicks who were on the other side of the brooder watching her! Crazy cat!


Nutmeg: A calico kitten of about 4 months old. She loves to play with "Lila" My sister's pillow pet unicorn.

This is Sadie (short for Sadist) trying to use 'strateegery' to make sure she doesn't get left behind and miss any 'fun'...

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