The Chick Rush


7 Years
Jan 17, 2013
This week is different above all other weeks. Yesterday I got my braces off (I am using my mom's account) and-----we get chicks. On Tuesday. How could we forget. So promptly during a Monday night near 7:00, we drag a heavy green coop that was no longer in use using a four-wheeler. The grass needed re-planting anyway. We looked at it upside down. Yep. It could work as a brooder. My dad, being the man he is, decided to put it on stilts. Okay, but were we gonna get the wood? Logs can work, right? So after heavy lifting and much re-arranging we get the Coop/Brooder on logs. now fixing up the feeder, waterer, and the coop itself. As I rushed around the basement looking for the feeder, waterer, and heat lamp, Everyone else was looking for it in the attic and shed. Finally I found the Feeder and Waterers. Under ten boxes. After much moving and heavy lifting, and trying not to break Christmas ornaments, I retrieve them. My mom puts water on the stove to boil, and I commence cleaning out the feeder and waterer with vinegar. The driveway will most likely forever smell like Easter. After that, I pour boiling water on the feeder and waterer to serialize them. Time to dry them off. Chicken Feeders (and waterers) that have been sterilized with boiling water are VERY hot. When we finally got the shavings, The feeder and waterer were ready. With a sprinkle of shavings, we have someplace that looks okay, and we were ready. But....but.....OH MY GOODNESS!!!! THE HEAT LAMP!!! We commenced the rushing around. One hour later at 10:00, we find it. The heat lamp was found down by the current coop, being used as artificial lighting. How do you get a two inch plug through one inch of poultry wire without cutting it? I will never know, but somehow dad did it. So now at Tuesday, tired and sore, we all wait for the call. The call from the post office telling us to pick up our peeping package. Dad went to work long before all of us got up, and--OH NO. Today we have a luncheon, tennis lessons and so many other things to do! Mom gets ready, and I do my schoolwork. All of us jump every time that phone rings. Lets see what happens next!!

-------------To be continued, and pictures to be added!!---------------------

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