The Chickendad Chronicles

Ohhh Mrs.Chicken Dad. I too had a mishap. I spent New Years Eve in the ER. I dropped a coop on my eye. The things we do for chickens. Tons of stitches later and I am good as new. :) Hope your surgery goes well and you heal quickly!

I'm not sure what's worse: the frozen hard mud that breaks your ankle, or the slippery knd that grabs you and sucks you down!

So sorry you fell over...I'll stop laughing soon, honest

Good luck with the surgery, dear Mrs Chickendad! Hope it goes well and your recover time is like lightening!

And Justuschicks: Please be more careful! Owwwwww!!!! Hope you're All better now!
Oh Mrs Chicken Dad, been there done that! Full length face down in the mud that sucked my boots off my feet. Since DH has taken over some of the chores, primarily morning and night duties, I have avoided that- though tonight I did the almost fall down dance after sticking my foot in one of the dust bath holes that run along the back porch. Last count there were 7, averaging 5 inches deep. The girls have taken to hanging out on the back porch since the house faces due north, they sit on the porch out of the wind and lounge in the sun. They also think that we have provided them w/ interesting nest boxes, much more handy than the 50 ft hike to the coop. I have a square pet food storage bin set up for a nest box, but they also lay in any empty box awaiting recycling, or an empty flower pot or the recycle bins for plastic. I think I will make a nest box set up midway down the porch and hope they stay out of the chairs and recycle bins.
One of the two hens I have from my first chicks is now 3 years old, and it is her year to lead, she has taken over head hen in the red coop, and really enjoys the lack of roosters at the moment (Punket, her hatch mate was killed by the dogs down the road protecting the girls last month, and Nikki attacked me and made good soup) More boys are coming in Feb when the NN chicks arrive, and maybe I will call Privitt back and ask them to toss a NH boy in the order. Anyway, BeBe (my one last NH) has started waiting by the back door for DH to carry her to the coop at bed time. I was out there tonight breaking up kindling for the wood stove, and boy was I getting the stink-eye. I was obviously interfering with her plans for attention.
After the next rain is done I will put serious efforts into getting Super Brooder completed. 54 chicks are due on the 22 of this month. Good thing that the brooder project is a conversion of a 5x8 trailer that has a solid wood sides and bottom. Will get crowded as they near 6 weeks, but then 20 of the EEs will go to a friend, leaving me 5 NH & 5 EE pullets and the 24 NN babies I am getting from Nava. If I haven't built the coop for that batch of girls, I will move the boys to the green coop (grown out pen for the boys) and wheel the Super brooder out to the yard where the coop will go. The Super Brooder is really secure, since I will brood the chicks outside.
So much for this months new bites.

Take care and follow the weight limits on lifting after your surgery. I know how easy it is to cheat.
I don't know what I love most about this thread; MrsChickendad's entertaining stories or the entertaining responses. One thing I do know, this is the kindest conversation on the web. Thanks much, all, for the pleasant additions to my day.
Mrs. Chickendad Returns

Mrs. Chickendad has returned from her hospital adventure. She is currently sporting a hot and uncomfortable neck brace so that her head does not roll off her shoulders. Word is that it has to remain there 24/7 for the next seven weeks (the brace, not her head). It catches crumbs and dribbles of coffee, so it's appeal declines daily.

Dr. Neurosurgeon fixed the pinched nerves in her neck and put some plates and screws in there to hold her head on. Actually, even after surgery, Mrs. Chickendad noted very little pain and felt better post op than she did pre op. Now she has to go visit Dr. Orthopedicsurgeon to fix her busted rotator cuff. There will be no pitching in the big leagues for Mrs. Chickendad. . . She has been trying to feed herself left handed due to aforementioned rotator cuff, and it is a messy affair. However, on the bright side, she has lost 2 pounds.

Last week the trio of Lavender ameraucanas were moved back to the breezeway pen, which is just outside the Chickendad's bedroom windows. The little boy is very alert and announces the presence of anything new he sees. He is a very accurate alarm clock, too, going off at 15 second intervals beginning at 5:30 a.m. Mrs. Chickendad has not been sleeping all that well due to the cumbersome neck brace, and found herself dreaming about people screaming for help early this morning. When she woke up enough to figure it out, she realized it was the little blue dude.

Mrs. Chickendad wishes to thank all who have sent messages of encouragement and prayers for her recovery. It is comforting to know how many friends there are who care. Hugs to all of you!
Dear Mrs. Chickendad,

You have really been through the mill lately! Hopefully, you'll be good as new by the time April rolls around and you can focus all your attention on the new little fuzzy butts you are bound to hatch!! The lavendar trio sound charming...and alarming! :) Glad you feel better in the pinched neck department. Now, on to the rotor cuff department. Best wishes!


The part about your neck brace catching crumbs and coffee drips reminded me of a Roald Dahl children's book I once was considering buying. In it, this giant had a huge, bushy beard that collected all kinds of bits and pieces of stuff and it said that whenever he got hungry he'd just go searching in his beard for something to eat!! LOL Thought you'd appreciate that little bit of information!
Mrs Chickendad, I am glad to hear that surgery went well - and sorry to hear about the collar. On the brighter side, you will probably get used to ask that crowing after a week or so :lol: .

Hoping to see you at Chickenstock

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