The chickies are coming the chickies are coming *HERE*


12 Years
Mar 1, 2008
Gladstone MI
Day 19 as of tonight and I been looking but not expecting to see anything. I looked at 8 and nothing I looked just now and I have a peep in one of my 39 eggs.

I have designer chickies and this is my first time incubating. I am using a LG still air and when I put them in the egg cartons I candled and I seen completely dark except for the air cell. I have to admit that my flash light wasn't too good (that will be my next investment) and I really didn't expect them to hatch at all let alone early.

Thanks for letting me share
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Sending good hatching vibes your way.
My little one that pipped at 8:55 pm last night is here I noticed at 8:15 am that one little piece was moved at 8:27 am I checked and she was zipped all the way around I watched til she was out at 8:48 am. It was so exciting my first hatch and my first Designer Chickie. What a great day.

Other note is that she really started to go to town when my son's parakeets started to sing.

I have 2 others pipped so looks like a couple of long days getting nothing but chick talk done (seeing as how I am peeping at them LOL).
Ok here it is 5 here, 8 pipped (one I am not sure of pipped low alot of fluid and blood just when I think I lost him/her there is movement) that leaves 26 just hanging out in the bator. I did have to take the 4 babies out as they were panting and I felt that it was better to get them in the brooder then lose them to heat stroke. My humidity is running high and it never went below 80 so I think I am fine. I also think I can blame the high humitity on the chicks getting hot. Thanks
Hey George I had a few more and as today is still day 22 till 8:30 tonight I sure hope some more pop, but I am very happy with my hatch. My brother found out I was hatching and asked what I was hatching with, he had to come see he didn't believe I was using one of those stro incubators. Now he wants me to hatch for him LOL.

Here are my hatch results (so far I hope)

24 Shipped eggs
4 PO broke
2 started and died early
13 alive and well
5 still hanging in the bator

24 local eggs
2 infertal
1 started and died early
1 pipped low and bled out in the shell
10 alive and well
10 still hanging in the bator

All in all I think I did OK. Thanks for checking. Now I am on my way to a swap to by 2 hova's 1588 with turners for $200. And all Kinds of hatching eggs LOL Thanks again for checking in

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