The cockerels are "attacking" us :)


In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 12, 2011
Hi! All

Not sure this should be here, so please feel free to move it

We have 8 chickens and 2 cockerels, the 2 cockerels get on just fine,
but are getting more and more defensive towards us.

Every day i go into the pen they try to "attack"
me, any thing i can do to discourage this behaviour?

I love that they are protective of the chickens, even the dogs don't go near the pen any more, but we have to.

Sorry about the smile faces, just though they were to cute....

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You need to show them who is the boss and that's you. If you can pick them up and hold them every day or, as soon as you see them chase them and run after them until they run away from you. My RIR's are gone now but that's what I had to do.
i am starting to have the same problem i dont know th answer but i do now that i makes sense for them to do this at this time for the year since we are geting nere spring
You literally have to prove that you are more dominant than them (The chickens are a herd, but show them your top dog)! Chase them around and make them fear you (the roos)...just a little...because they are testing you right now. how old are they? My roo started doing that at 6months...he only tryed the wing dance threat once and never has again (i chased him around, then held him for 10 mins). whatever you do, don't show fear and do not back down because he will think that he has won and is above you. Even though my roo has never challenged me again, i still knock him off the hens, if he trys to mate them in front of me (also a dominance display) and step towards him, making him move out of my way. It took training from when he was a 1 week chick but i'm extremely lucky to have a mellow roo. Just remeber- You are the human, he is but a chicken...put him in his place!
Last edited: probably doesn't help that you have 2 males to 8 girls... the ratio is 1 roo to at least 6. If you have too few females, it cause overmating and additional roo drama (as he now has to compete for females)...thus additional dominance issues
Thank you all, this is very new for us

@heather112588, i don't know how old they are, we rescue them and have little to no info about them...We were told by a neighbour that they were quiet young, they just starting laying and not all are laying (if that is any indication).

They were very skinny when we got them a few weeks ago, but are now gaining weight and becoming more playful and friendly (all but the cocks). There were 5 cocks originally so we gave 3 away.
Yep, you have to show them you are the dominant roo. Some roos are much more trainable than others.

This is really a Chicken Behaviors or Managing Your Flock topic; you will find lots of threads about dealing with roosters.
I agree it seems to be worst during this early maturity stage - try kicking them and then chase them down. Holding them for a while proves that they can't get away with such behavior. I had the hardest time with my tiny little banty roo - he would sneek up behind me. Not any more, but it did take a couple of "dominance" lessons to get my point into his thick little skull.
I have six roos and 16 hens and the roos never attack. Have RIR that was supposed to be a pullet and turned out to be a beautiful tame roo. Those chickens sexers sure screw up alot. A Polish, Araucana and three tame friendly Silkie, Cochin and mixed breed bantam roos.

What kinds of roos do you have? Try picking them up, it works.

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