Announcement The Coop Page / Article Rating & Review Project!

Members do not get trophy points for rating articles.
We shouldn't NEED trophy points for this! Reviewing and rating articles isn't just a responsibility we have to the community. The insights and inspirations we get from others' set-ups - and the trials and triumphs or creating and using them - are also one of the biggest benefits of being a part of the flock!
Did my 5+ again ... but I'll try to remember to keep going. I have to stop, for now, because the hard work of some of our members has shamed me into working on my own coop. I'm trying to figure out how to combine my 3 multilevel coops into one big one. I want to give everyone access to both the playhouse coop and the open sandbox run beneath it without having to completely rebuild the whole beast. If no one hears from me within the week ... please send out the Marines ... or maybe the Corps of Engineers ...

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