The curse— RP

"who are you anyways?" Amy asked.
Hixel smiled slightly, "I'm 'cursed'."
"Where's Rose?"
"in that room."
"did you capture her!? let her out!"
"If I had captured her what do you think I'd be doing right now?"
"um... I don't know." Amy replied.
"I'd most likely be having a mental break down or be dead and Rose wouldn't be in that room."
"oh. huh." Amy thought for a moment, "So why is she in that room?" Amy asked, closing her hand cautiously around her dart gun.
“Ask her when she comes out.” Hixel shrugged.
“So, you’re cursed.”
“Yeah, would you like a demonstration?”
“No” Amy pointed the dart gun up, just in case. This one would be a great catch for Rose. Amy thought, her finger resting on the trigger.
“So are you going to stop pointing that thing at me?” Hixel asked after a long silence.
“Ask her when she comes out.” Hixel shrugged.
“So, you’re cursed.”
“Yeah, would you like a demonstration?”
“No” Amy pointed the dart gun up, just in case. This one would be a great catch for Rose. Amy thought, her finger resting on the trigger.
“So are you going to stop pointing that thing at me?” Hixel asked after a long silence.
"Maybe." Amy said.
"hm." Hixel shrugged and casually tapped her fingers together, "so. What are you doing?"
"I'm supposed to find some cursed ones for Rose."
"I see." Hixel put her hands up, "feel free to do what you like."
"hm." Amy said, "I can shoot you now. Why aren't you afraid?"
"Sometimes you learn that when you're backed up against a wall and someone's pointing a dart gun at you, there's nothing you can do." Hixel said, although her smile said otherwise.
Amy narrowed her eyes.
Ashling sighed. "Look. We'll come back for her later. But the hunters could be here any minute, and none of us would be very useful dead. Let's go."
After a few seconds of waiting, Alana sighed and nodded. Rebecca looked relieved. "Now, let's get out of here." She was at the door when she turned back. "Wait. There's this girl that I brought here...we should find her first."

Ashling looked around anxiously but nodded. "Fine. But let's be quick."

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