The Daily Diet Plan - so far.


9 Years
Jun 19, 2015
Central Alabama
So far my mixed flock of 5 chicks is growing like crazy. They soon will move to the outdoors, and hopefully live in a safe enclosure.

They are currently finishing the last of the medicated starter into which I mixed the unmedicated new feed over the last 3 feedings. It is probably not necessary, but I am all for slow transitions.

I have moved to give the chicks mush in the evening 'about the consistency of oatmeal'. First when the temps had dropped like a rock and they were little, I prepared it with warm water, now, that we are rivaling the surface of the sun it's made with cool water.

When the feeders with the dry feed run low I take the top off, and sprinkle grit over it. Naturally, they jump in, dust bathe and scratch the feed out. 😆

So they have been getting grit, so I have started to give them greens in the morning. Kohlrabi leaves, Swiss Chard, and this morning I tried baby carrots and sugar snap peas I chopped up.

Am I preparing them ok for life as a chicken?
So far my mixed flock of 5 chicks is growing like crazy. They soon will move to the outdoors, and hopefully live in a safe enclosure.

They are currently finishing the last of the medicated starter into which I mixed the unmedicated new feed over the last 3 feedings. It is probably not necessary, but I am all for slow transitions.

I have moved to give the chicks mush in the evening 'about the consistency of oatmeal'. First when the temps had dropped like a rock and they were little, I prepared it with warm water, now, that we are rivaling the surface of the sun it's made with cool water.

When the feeders with the dry feed run low I take the top off, and sprinkle grit over it. Naturally, they jump in, dust bathe and scratch the feed out. 😆

So they have been getting grit, so I have started to give them greens in the morning. Kohlrabi leaves, Swiss Chard, and this morning I tried baby carrots and sugar snap peas I chopped up.

Am I preparing them ok for life as a chicken?
Sounds fine. I would just use a separate container for the grit.

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