The Diet Doth Confuseth Me! (Renal Diet Thread)

So egg whites, blooie-berries & cauliflower are your friends till your appt. in March. Think till then eat what you know is acceptable & maybe alter how you cook for variety - roasted veg taste much different than say sauteed & perhaps season differently too. I am fortunate to live in Florida so I grow lots of herbs, turmeric, lemongrass. Am going to try horseradish this year - I bought a root in the grocery store & will be my $13 experiment - I could have bought a lot of jars for that!!
Oh my goodness, I am so sorry that you are battling two things at once. The only thing I can think of is vegetarian cook books may be a good place to start for ideas to help with heart and kidney health? Beans are loaded with protein and are easier on kidneys than meat. Vegetarian meals will also be lower in fat as long as dairy is kept minimal. :p
For salt, lemon juice is a good substitute, some how it fakes your mouth out and it gives you the sense of the flavoring of salt.
I love blueberries too! Stick with them until your appt. Hugs to you, stay positive! :hugs
Oh no! Most beans are high in phosphorus. :he

Yep! Welcome my world. :idunno And the 100% veggie list (those with acceptable levels of both potassium and phosphorus) is shorter than one page of a Gurneys catalog! :lau We’ll get it figured out, all working together, won’t we!

This is worse than a word-find puzzle, but folks here are sure up to the challenge! So am I!!

I’m not close to that stage yet, @BigBlueHen53 . My GFR is 27, or at least it was on January 31. That basically means 27% function left. So I’m still at Stage 4.... we probably won’t even discuss any other options until I start nudging down closer to Stage 5. A lot also depends on secondary health considerations, too.

Of course!! Prayers and support are always welcome an appreciated, thanks! Ken found an actual series of charts today listing foods by low, medium and high phosphorous, the same for potassium, proteins, and sodium. And the angels sang..... It took 10 pages to print it out, and I’m still wading through it. Some of it is, of course, strongly geared toward dialysis patients, but I have numbers!! I have numbers that say about how much phosphorous is in something, and if that food is nice and low in phosphorous but has too much potassium, there’s an actual notation! It took weeks of wading through vague websites, sites that didn’t answer what I need, and sites written in medical jargon, so we were thrilled to find this.

And don’t hate blueberries as much as it sounds like I do. They’ve just become my punching bag! :smack

That's awesome about the food charts B!

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