The Diet Doth Confuseth Me! (Renal Diet Thread)

Well, Pepcid it is! It will help a bit, and ask if you can take omeprazole intermittently.
I have GERDS too, and one year i was left with water only to drink, very boring. I lost ten pounds, the one good thing out of it...
Manage the GERDS aggressively, and then omeprazole type drugs won't be missed.

I think just being sensible about food choices and seasonings will go a long way too. I had about a month when I simply couldn’t swallow due to a reaction to Prednisone. I literally lived on yogurt and tiny sips of water. Once that was resolving and we got back from Linda’s funeral, they did the endoscopy. The Protonix made all the difference in the world. Now I don’t have that or my Celebrex.

I can eat bland:rant
Remember - or perhaps I didn’t mention it, I don’t know - that I have Barrett’s Esophagus, severe GERDS, and a hiatal hernia. A couple of years ago my endoscopy showed a lot of esophageal damage. So while spicing foods to take the place of salt might sound like a plan, the reality is that the nephrologist has taken me off my Protonix because it’s notoriously hard on kidneys. He gave me Pepcid, or “The Placebo” as Ken calls it, because it does almost nothing. So I do need to go easy on the spices somewhat.
Ah...that does make it difficult. I have GERD too, and can only take the original formula of Nexium, even emaprozale, which is supposed to be the same thing, doesn't work for me. But, with Nexium, I can eat what I want. Unfortunately, I think I have read that it is hard on the kidneys.

Wow, dear Blooie. This all sounds like a real challenge to me. Did you like the Avjar recipe? I know bell peppers, even red, would be one of those foods that would set my esophagus on fire and turn my tummy into a percolator for days without my Nexium.
No onions, no garlic, no coffee, very weak iced (if you can tolerate it), especially no sodas, don't even think about an alcohol beverage. BUT, you may be able to handle Tarragon, Basil, Oregano, Dill Weed, Rosemary, Parsley Flakes, and a few others. When trying a new one, just put a very little bit, and see how you tolerate it.
I hate being a “yah but-ter”.

I haven’t looked at it yet, Valerie. But I will
Nothing wrong with being a yah-butter! We want to help, but we don't have all the info. As for me, I tried to go find a list of foods you could eat and would find lists of about a dozen ingredients. That can't be right.

In a few months you are going to find out how delicious cauliflower, or whatever else you can eat, really is all by itself. We are so used to herbs and spices that we don't taste the actual food anymore.

I think dill is on your list and that's a great flavor enhancer!
I would like to 2nd or 3rd or whatever number we are up to now on the cabbage steaks. Cut the cabbage into slabs about 1/2 to 1 inch thick, lightly oil both sides, place on a cookie sheet (we lined with foil for easy cleanup), and sprinkle Mrs Dash (salt free seasoning) on the top, bake for a bit, pull out, flip them over, season the side that is now on top, bake a bit more. and eat... it is awesome. Sadly... my husband doesn't like cabbage, so cabbage and brussle sprouts dishes are far and few between. He's ok with the taste, he doesn't like the smell...
I would like to 2nd or 3rd or whatever number we are up to now on the cabbage steaks. Cut the cabbage into slabs about 1/2 to 1 inch thick, lightly oil both sides, place on a cookie sheet (we lined with foil for easy cleanup), and sprinkle Mrs Dash (salt free seasoning) on the top, bake for a bit, pull out, flip them over, season the side that is now on top, bake a bit more. and eat... it is awesome. Sadly... my husband doesn't like cabbage, so cabbage and brussle sprouts dishes are far and few between. He's ok with the taste, he doesn't like the smell...
And you just reminded me, this is a great way to cook brussel sprouts too!

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