The Downton Abbey Girls


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 25, 2014
Hi - new chickens in the kitchen almost three weeks old. 3 of them are a new breed (so I've been told) tetra tints and 2 are Dixie Rainbows - I have a feeling one of them is a roo.

I am brand new to this and have them in a big box with a light to keep them warm, but they are growing fast. When can they go out of the kitchen/box and into the new coop? Any advise would be helpful.

I'm going to check some books out of the library as my girls: Lady Mary, Violet, Edith, Mrs. Patmore & Daisy are growing fast - if the 5th is a roo I guess he will be Thomas - or Carson....if I grow the flock I will complete the cast!
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Welcome to BYC!

Congrats on your new birds! Tetra Tints are very pretty. They will be ready to go out to the coop when they are 5 or 6 weeks old. Keep lowering your heat 5 degrees each week until they are at room temps. You may need to expand their brooder area for a while yet. I use those extra large wire dog crates and wrap the sides with an old sheet to keep the drafts down. This usually keeps them til it is time for the coop.

If you need any tips and hints on raising your new flock, stop by our learning center here on BYC for lots of great articles on all the aspects of keeping poultry...

Enjoy your new babies! If you have any questions, that is what we are here for. Welcome to our flock!
Oh that IS a relief - I thought I had read that they can not go out to the coop until they were 17 to 20 weeks old!!! EEE Gads, my kitchen was going to be a complete barn yard mess by that time!!
My Dixie Rainbows seem to be much more aggressive than my shy 3 little tetra tints (lady Mary, Edith and Daisy) - One especially seems to be a bit of a bruiser! Mrs. Patmore may end up being Thomas!!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! You can post pictures of Mrs. Patmore aka Thomas in the What Breed Or Gender Is This forum for help with figuring out what s/he is ...
TwoCrows gave you some good advice and the link to the Learning Center, lots of good articles you'll like.
Ya, most people put chicks in the coop around six weeks, birds like the Tetras often start laying at 17-20 weeks and should be in a coop with nesting boxes etc at that point, maybe that is what you had read ... though there are people who have pet house chickens that live in the house full time ........

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