The Duck Thread

Great looking bunch!

This is my first time owning ducks. I have a Buff duck (Candy) and at 2 months old, I'm still not sure of it's gender. I have a Rouen (Stuffin) that was easy to tell because she showed all the signs I've read about for females. I think Candy is a gal, cause she's got the brownish orange bill and her head's not a lot darker than the rest of her. No curly drake feather in her tail either. But I keep reading that drakes have a softer voice than ducks, and Candy is rather quiet even at her loudest. More of a peep still, where Stuffin really lets you know she's there! Help!

Is she raspy sounding?
Did your babies come? Mine did! Metzer did great, shipped with a heat pack a gro gel. The post office not so much, they didn't call and left them sitting in my unheated front room and I didn't know they were there for potentially hours. No idea how long the poor things were there. And they had to have come in on the morning truck meaning the post office had them all day and didn't call, kept them there, and then they had to ride around with the postman until they were delivered :barnie All's well that ends well, but yeesh.

Yes, they all arrived safe and happy! Here is a video of their first trip outside!

Yes, they all arrived safe and happy! Here is a video of their first trip outside!
Hi,I built a nice enclosure out of fence poles and two types of fencing, one by two fence then chicken wire ove that not even the Eagles can get in it.attached to a four by eight shed seven feet tall.I put poles three feet apart twelve feet long and eight feet wide and four feet high totally enclosed roof and sides with a gate and a tarp on a portion of the roof.If you don't have a shed to attach it to just get a small dog house you can put in the ducks love it.i will send a picture if you want.
What if I just offer oyster shells on the side for the adults, you think that would do it? That way I could keep everyone on the same feed. High protein won't hurt the adults? Will the oyster shells hurt the littles? They would have access to it as well. 

Oy!!!! What a pain having two different ages. The littles are really growing, they are pretty much as big as the adults. I guess their insides are still babies! LOL

I'm curious about this as well. I have 4 eight week olds needing to move in with the adults to make way for the goslings.
The breeder I bought my ducklings from told me a 5lb bag of starter should last for two weeks for 10 ducklings. It's been a week and one day and I'm pretty much finished with the bag. Should I buy another bag of starter or just switch to grower? He told me to only feed them the starter for two weeks anyways. Thanks!

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