The Duck Thread

That's for exotic birds, and only imported ones at that. You are not required to band poultry.

Thanks everyone for the compliments on my goslings. They are just so darn cute
I'm glad I made the decision to keep all three because the two Canada goose hybrids that I bought to keep my other goose company (who were sold to me as show quality purebred American Buffs) have vanished. I have no idea where they went. Perhaps they could fly better than I realized and they've taken off with a passing flock of Canada geese. I just really can't say. So these guys will be company for my other goose.
If they were half Canada goose, I have no doubt they could fly away. Did you get them as adults or goslings?
If they were half Canada goose, I have no doubt they could fly away. Did you get them as adults or goslings?

Juveniles, about two months old. As the grew it became apparent they were not purebred buffs. They stayed here all winter no problems. They vanished about three days ago. They could fly a little, enough to get off the ground, but I never really saw them actually flying.
I'm afraid you might have a drake there. Girls are very vocal. If you see a big difference between two that are the same age you probably have one of each.
Having a pair wouldn't be so bad except I fear for the duck when they're mature. Aren' they supposed to kept in at least a trio? At what age do drakes usually get their curly tail feather? Or do some breeds or individuals not have them?
We are getting our first ducks in the farm store order on May 5/6. We are getting one Mallard and one Rouin genders unknown..Also runner duck eggs in the incubator due to hatch May 14th... I have been trying to read all the duck threads on here to be sure I am up to date and have everything prepared.
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Having a pair wouldn't be so bad except I fear for the duck when they're mature. Aren' they supposed to kept in at least a trio? At what age do drakes usually get their curly tail feather? Or do some breeds or individuals not have them?
Drakes usually get their drake feather at 10-12 weeks. Some have shown as early as 8 though. All Mallard derived breeds. I consider a good balance 1 drake to 3 females.

The picture of our binding for angel wing. We'll see if this picture stays up.
Today was awesome! I was able to release the duck from her angel wing bindings. It has been 6 days, we had a bad storm last night and we were concerned the vet tape was wet so we removed it. Wonderful!!! The wing looks pretty normal. Way better than the angel wing. Can anyone tell me, will this happen every time she molts and gets new feathers or is this a one time thing.

:( my day old duckling is dying. I don't know what to do.
She came out of her egg this afternoon. While she was inside but her beak was out I could hear a snapping sound when she took a breath. When she was out she threw up foamy stuff. Just a minute ago she woke up and shook her head, brown stuff came out of her beak.I got qtips and cleaned her up. She's back asleep. She just lays there. The other five are fine. She hasn't eaten, took some water off a dropper but nothing else.
Try placing her as much as you can in her incubator not the brooder. It's warmer for her. Keep offering her water.some make it some dont

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