The Duck Thread

If you don't plan on hatching anything then I wouldn't bother with a drake. They are more trouble than it's worth IMO.
If you have the hens and drakes mixed i agree. I have two drakes, and they are friendly and not too much trouble. But I do agree, if you mix the genders things do get more complicated. I just got the drakes because they have a quieter quack
... but I would like to expand and get some girls for eggs in the future, but right now the two boys are inseparable!
If you have the hens and drakes mixed i agree. I have two drakes, and they are friendly and not too much trouble. But I do agree, if you mix the genders things do get more complicated. I just got the drakes because they have a quieter quack :) ... but I would like to expand and get some girls for eggs in the future, but right now the two boys are inseparable! 
Before I had my girls I had 2 drakes and they were great and quiet. I found them a home and got just females and everything was great. I was given a drake with a female I purchased. He has 5 girls and it is not working out well. I'm in the process of finding him a home with larger females or drake only flock.
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Not 100% what genders I have yet. We have 3 Peking, 3 Rouens & 2 KC and only 8 weeks old. Going by quacks I think I have 2 hen / 1 drake of our pekings & Rouen. No clue with the 2 KC, they dont really quack and kinda skiddish. Will try and get some pictures later.
Is it typical for ducks to lay eggs at the age of 2 months?

I have two flocks of ducks. One is about 8 months old and all the ducks have been laying eggs for over a month.

This morning I let the younger ducks (just 2 months old) and found an egg right in the middle of their area of the duck house. I didn't really think the older ducks were throwing eggs at them (joking) and found three eggs in the older ducks area.

To say the least I was shocked and my husband lost the, "how many eggs were there," bet. That makes me wonder if it was the Pekin, Cayuga, WH or one of the Runners.

Yesterday was the first day I gave them the ability to share pens. Old Browning (the older Khaki drake) thought he'd make a move toward the Pekin female and she chased him around the pen.
My little duckling did not make it and died in my hands
I am so sorry to hear that. I am sure you did everything that could be done and that he went feeling all the love and compassion you had to give. Sadly sometime the little ones just can not make it. They are truly special ones though because the have the ability to pull the human spirit up from deep inside us and allow us to be the companions and caretakers that they need to move on. Bless you for trying, you now have a special place and a special friend in duck heaven.
What a little cutie! I think now is just the waiting game. I do know sometimes it takes a little while for them to get on their feet and for the first 24-48 hours they don't need food or water since they are still living off their yoke.

My ducks were watching a Grackle fight today. They were all standing in a circle watching them! They would follow them around the yard and I got the last little bit on video. At the end I think Sky tried to break it up and they got her, lol. She is fine and just ran away.
That is adorable. I have more wild birds in my yard this year. I think it is because I have ducks they think this is a safe place. The extra tubs of water and bits of food laying around help too Im sure.
Similar things happen in my yard and I laugh myself silly. My ducks act so funny when birds visit. We have a bunch of Magpies, doves, robins, sparrow & starlings. that visit & nest here regularly. Crow, finch & I dont know what all that are occasional. They get in their mating tousles & the ducks seem to take it personally.

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