The Duck Thread

mine love lettuce and watermelon, I found it's easier to use a grater though than cut it up for them lol, and not sure so I play it save and remove the outter skin
I am just starting out with 3 pekin ducks and 4 turkins and 3 buff orpingtons. They are 3 weeks old. I was hoping to house the ducks with the chickens. I have a 3 nest-box coop. Any advice? Will this work? Do I need a nest box for the ducks. I'm thinking I have 2 female ducks and 1 drake.
If you do have a drake with only two females housing them with chickens may present a problem during duck mating season (which for my ducks is pretty much year around). The duck MAY try to mate with the chickens which can seriously harm the chicken. House them together and keep an eye on them. But, be prepared to put the ducks in their own area if necessary.
Coop construction has officially begun!The whole complex is 12x20
, with the coop being 8x6.
It's a huge lot of room for 6 ducks , but we want to have room for more ducks in the future...or maybe some geese :)
My ducklings are arriving tomorrow!I'm so worried though , what if one doesn't make it?A dead duckling in the box would be horrible!Quick question:is CareFresh bedding okay for ducklings?We had half a bag leftover from a hamster , and I figured it would be softer on the ducklings' feet , as the shavings we got have pretty big pieces.
I would think you could use that, we have ours with a pine shavings and some straw and not a problem so far with that, they do seem to prefer the straw though
Happy Tuesday everyone! Hope y'all had a good weekend and Mother's day! I've been busy tending to my flock.
I decided it was terrible that lil evil Lamont can't get into the pool with his friends. He tries to jump in but can't make it over the side. He sadly runs around the pool dipping his head in the water looking quite pathetic. There are ramps an rocks to aid them all, but poor evil Lamont can't figure it out. We had a small litter box outside for them when they were wittle but it's not deep enough to do alot of diving and splashing. The only other thing I has around was a tub for under the bed. Wouldn't ya know.. it's as tall as the pool. Pooo! I get the brilliant idea make an "inground" pool, with the smaller tub. -many many flaws- the worst... totally not big enough to fit 8 ducks. In my simple quick fix thinking... I intended the inground to be for the babies, and the big one to be for Frank and bean... ducks however did not get the memmo....I'll have yo show you the outcome.







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