The Duck Thread

All these 'ling pics are so adorable! I can't believe I'm not keeping mine, but I can always hatch more.

I say hatch some more
@Ren2014 Have you hobbled your duckling yet? here is some info in case you haven't seen this. usually best to get this done asap. Or has it gotten it's legs under it now?

I have not. This is one of the articles I have been reading, thank you. He is doing much better but I'm going to hobble him when my DH gets home. I can not do it by myself. I've got everything ready from band aides, vet rap to steri strips. I'm probably going with the vet wrap.
I have not.  This is one of the articles I have been reading, thank you.  He is doing much better but I'm going to hobble him when my DH gets home.  I can not do it by myself.  I've got everything ready from band aides, vet rap to steri strips.  I'm probably going with the vet wrap.

Niacin would probably be a help too...
Good luck with the little one. I hope you got some sleep:) How are the pippers doing today?
x2! And you too!! How are yours coming along?
I got a nap, lol... pippers are still sitting fine... :)
Third one hatched during the night. I moistened the membrane real well before going to bed and he got out on his own. I'm researching spradle leg now:( He's just not getting his legs up under him like the others or moving about much. One egg is zipping and a 5th has started rocking:fl
That is one adorable little 'ling!!! Congrats!! X2 on Miss Lydia's advice and the niacin, I prefer the vet wrap but band aids are easier for teeny tiny ones... a little bit of nutridrench or poly vi sol gives a nice boost too, sometimes they just need a pick me up, lol...
Aww your baby ducks are so fuzzy cute
Thank you... ;)

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