The DUMBEST thing I've ever heard somebody say about Chickens...READ!

this is a great idea, as long as the parents read it too!

I remember there used to be a show on pbs or something way back in the day when I had television and it was all about how things were made. They would go to factories and farms and show the whole process, it was really great! I wish I could remember what it was called
How Its Made. its on netflix. i love watching that show it always caught my attention and we (my siblings and i) watched it when we were kids at my grandmas house
ah the good old days.
I'm going to Ireland soon. Is it safe to get chickens there
A dumb thing I hear often is ......................... Hatchery birds can be show birds, I almost wet myself at this dumb comment. Maybe in a kids 4H fair where the judges don't know a cow from a horse but not at real poultry shows LOL.
Thats not partically true, i ordered a buff barhama roo form a hatchery, and i got 5th place, my hen got 8th

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