The DUMBEST thing I've ever heard somebody say about Chickens...READ!

Ok all you who can't get over ignorance...which I do get many of you feed your dogs "dog food"? Educate yourselves on that one. Unbelievable how stupid we are...I say STUPID instead of ignorant because we CHOOSE to feed the garbage instead of educating/bothering to learn what is best for our dogs - who have been our "best friends" for so very long. Nope, we buy into the whole "dogs are omnivores" and believe vets who are no more insightful than ourselves. So yes, people are ignorant and need educating on a great many things. I suppose it is our nature to believe anything and question nothing? Very sad indeed.

"No artificial dogs here, our dogs eat real (species appropriate) food".
I am seeing good educational opportunities coming from this backyard chicken movement. My sister, who lives outside of Seattle, told me a story when she was visiting last summer. She was out walking her dog one morning and met her 12 year old son and his friend on the road. She asked if they wanted her to make breakfast. They declined and her son told her that they were on their way to another friend's house, where they would be served "real" farm fresh eggs. She told me that since he has eaten eggs from his friend's backyard, he won't eat the eggs she buys at the store, no matter what kind/cost. I think I see another egg raising family in the future!
BigDaddy'sGurl :

Umm....being a blonde all my life, I have dealt with the stereotypical "blonde" jokes quite often, and I don't think anyone is being out of line by feeling that this otherwise funny story was immediately ruined by the comment about the uninformed lady obviously being a blonde.

I am not stupid. My daughter is blonde and is not stupid. My grandmother and mother are blondes and aren't stupid. My son is blonde and while he is "special needs" and developmentally delayed, he is not stupid. I do not like remarks such as "oh she was a blonde" like I have to make excuses for my haircolor not matching my level of intelligence.

How would you feel if someone said: "well he abused the dog horribly...but hey, he's a kid." Thereby implying that because he was a kid it was okay that he was an animal abuser? Would that be something we should all ignore when many of us have perfectly well-behaved children?

Sheesh. Maybe if you felt that you spent your entire life trying to thwart an unfair stereotype you would understand.

My daughter was a natural blonde and beautiful (won every beauty contest she ever entered) but had a sky-high IQ and a lot of common sense to boot. She loved that people didn't expect very much from her because of her blondness and beauty queen looks. She said it relieved a lot of pressure to live up to her IQ and kept people from making fun of her because she was a Geek. Geeky, smart kids are made fun of much more than blonde smart kids. She felt she could maneuver under the radar because of people's mistaken opinion of her abilities based on her blondness. She graduated from high school when she was 15 and college when she was 18. She knew more blonde jokes than anyone I ever knew and had fun with her blondness. It bothered her more that because she was tiny, that her nickname was Shrimp, Pee Wee and so on.

The truth is, there will always be something about every human in which other humans will stereotype. We have become so sensitive that we let the stereotype define us in our own mind. We can choose to be offended or not. It is our choice.​
Ha ha. I don't have dogs but I agree with you! Its the same for rabbits and parrots and I would imagine chickens and ducks. There are a FEW (and I mean very few) brands that actually consider the nutritional needs of the animal they are feeding. And even the nutritionally conscious brands say to supplement fresh veggies fruit and hay (in the case of rabbits) for years I've been on a one woman mission to make ppl aware of the needs of their parrots and buns- there is only 1 store in my area that stocks proper rabbit pellets- I asked another store and they did for awhile but no one bought it so they stopped

And don't get me started on the evilness of "bird food" that walmart and the majority of pet stores supply!! Again one store stocks properly formulated bird pellets (oddly enough its the one who stopped stocking the rabbit food). Yes WILD birds can eat seed- but wild birds also spend their day foraging for berries bugs flowers grass etc. and wild birds are adapted to the environment in which they live- parakeets do not naturally live in a cage in Wyoming (Insert whatever bird in whatever state).
When I make dinner I always have "plates" for the buns and my tiel- so when we got the poultry I just added a serving for them and I noticed they don't eat their chicken food anymore (idk if that's good or bad - they other animals still eat theirs. Maybe that says something about the poultry food I've been buying?)
For what it's worth (and this involves canaries, not chickens)...

I was talking to a canary breeder at one of the bird shows I attend. He was telling me he had sold a pair of canaries to a well educated couple and several months later they contacted him, upset because, while the hen was great at building her nest and laying eggs, none of the eggs were fertile.

He knew the cock was young and should have been fertile so he went through the whole living set up step by step with them to try and find the problem.

What were they feeding this pair? What size cage? Did they include egg food along with the canary seed?

Finally, he thought perhaps they might have placed the cage in a "high traffic area" and that humans coming and going might have upset the birds. So, he asked them where they kept the birds.

Oh, no problem, said the couple. The hen was kept in the kitchen and the male in the den....

Jack just looked at them for a couple of seconds and then slowly said "I think I've found the problem...."

i really not shore why some of you are getting workup over somethings they are saying on this threads. everyone jokes around to have fun not to affend poeple. the blonde stuff is a JOKE. my wife is blonde and she is very smart and has a lot of common sense. she thinks they are funny and joke around about blondes to and she is one. i'm shore you make jokes about other poeple. this forum is for fun, and education. if the jokes affend you then stop reading them and trying to not make it like we are trying get something started. everyone was joke around and that is all. if you don't like read some other threads on the forum.
it is amazing how many people don't realize eggs come from checkens. some don't even know were fruit and vegetables come from. is because they live is cities and have never been to the country. we have people come to are farm all the time to have tours and school kids for field trips. you should hear some of the questions. sometimes you just look at them and try not to laugh and answer there question. some of the questions come from the adults to. but i find it makes the whole farm tours more exciting cause you never know what will be asked. i truely love it and so does my wife. knowing they are leaving here a little more smarter is a great feeling. everyone like to joke and you all that are getting work up need to relax and have fun. no one on here is trying to stereotipical or rude.
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hey now, I am blonde (a natural one although some people dont believe I am a darn SMART one too! well, i just use the blond jokes alll the time and laugh my butt off at them. GIves me an excuse to relax a little when i need to! oops! did i forget to come into work today???? owwww I am sorry, I must have had a blonde moment.!!!! get me out of trouble every time!!!!!!!

My roo is blonde, and he has moments as well!


My hen Daytona is part blond, and SHE is defintily haveing more blonde moments!~


BUT we all just take it in stride just like everything else. it's not meant to be a stereotypical quotation. It's all in fun. Just like the Polish jokes, Italian jokes, etc.


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