The EE braggers thread!!!

Chickens do that naturally because they like to scratch. I had a lot of trouble keeping straw in the nests too. Sometimes they would pull it out as fast as I could put it in especially if the straw contained significant seed heads. Sometimes they would pull it out because it was too coarse and filled with thick reeds making for a stiff nest but if I put the finer stuff back in then I was back to a lot of seed heads.

I went to pine shavings and things got better. They still scratch and burrow a bit in the nest but they don't dump out the shavings like they did the straw. I find Bear Mountain a good brand as its chip size is bigger and better for bedding...some of the other stuff is so fine it tracks everywhere. Some believe pine is bad for chickens but I know an awful lot of farmers who use it and I have had no issues. Just be sure your coop has good ventilation which it should have anyway. Pine shavings also has the advantage of composting better if that makes a difference, and it amends my thick clay soil better.

Also be sure you are giving them enough depth to burrow into...with either nesting material.

My experience
Lady of McCamley

I run sand in the Floor of the coop and my brother in law is a Hay/straw farmer and thats what they has always used in there coop. Ill see what happens when they start laying thanks for the Advice.
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I run sand in the Floor of the coop and my brother in law is a Hay/straw farmer and thats what they have always used in there coop. Ill see what happens when they start laying thanks for the Advice.

Well if you can get a good deal on the hay/straw from your BIL use that stuff!

If I can afford it, I like the Timonthy Hay, but it has a significant amount of seed in it which can make for weeds in the run and compost. The hens liked the softer hay over the straw.

I edited my last post to say that you do want something in the nest boxes with depth or the eggs will crack when they hit the hard surface.

Good Luck...hope they lay soon.
Lady of McCamley
Well if you can get a good deal on the hay/straw from your BIL use that stuff!

If I can afford it, I like the Timonthy Hay, but it has a significant amount of seed in it which can make for weeds in the run and compost. The hens liked the softer hay over the straw.

I edited my last post to say that you do want something in the nest boxes with depth or the eggs will crack when they hit the hard surface.

Good Luck...hope they lay soon.
Lady of McCamley

I just keep re stuffing the boxes.
Off subject, but my EE rooster, (supposed to be Ameraucana, but Im sure he's probably EE) crowed for the first time today!! He's 21 wks old and I heard him outside crowing this morning. I've been waiting, wondering if something was wrong with him lol. He is gorgeous! He is black with a gold 'necklace' and dark blue and green shimmery feathers in his tail. Now to get him to 'hang out' with any of the girls ;)
thanks he is a odd one thats for sure
My EE finally laid her 1st egg!!!!

Turns out its cream colored with pink speckles...extremely odd but beautiful.

The 1st egg is Leghorn, 2nd is EE, 3rd is RSL, and the last is Barred Rock. All my girls are finally laying!!!

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