The EE braggers thread!!!

OK, bigger update.Iwas outside working on the roof for our duck run and look over to find the Easter Egger chicks, ones in question,fighting.Not your typically chest bumping.Just Feather ripping, beak grabbing and etc.The grey boy (Falcon),wouldn’t quit antagonizing the darker one(Owl).Every time Owl tried walking away Falcon would just run up and start the spar(Behaviour I’ve witnissed in cockerels trying to get a Serious fight started),adventually the boys went into full on defense/attack mode and owl came out on top running Falcon off and all around the cage,I broke it up and went and sat with falcon (The instigating one)and petted him as he sulked from his lost.They seem to be fine now,no body was injured other then a few scars and some blood.Falcons just been avoiding Owl and staying in subordinate position with tail down and crouching.Im worried I may have to separate Owl as he’s just attacking the other chicks,he even tried attacking my hand.Anywho,defiantly have two boys.
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Owls caused an uproar.The Brahma chicks are even bullying poor Falcon now,I think I’ll separate the bullies for now,and wait a few days,or let this process pass?I think the Brahma is a rooster as well.
Owl sounds like he's going to be a challenging boy.
Do you have any adults in.your flock right now? If so it might be time to start intergrating those kids, the best discipline and chickening lessons come from.the adults. And it sounds like Owl needs a hen spanking :)
Owls caused an uproar.The Brahma chicks are even bullying poor Falcon now,I think I’ll separate the bullies for now,and wait a few days,or let this process pass?I think the Brahma is a rooster as well.
Unfourtently gave my flock all away last year because we moved ,but now we’ve moved back, and am basically starting over.I could always go to the Amish store and grab a few adult hens.I wanted to egt more pullets cause this batch has A couple boys.
Might not be a bad idea, get him focused on saving his butt instead of kicking everybody else's.:)
Unfourtently gave my flock all away last year because we moved ,but now we’ve moved back, and am basically starting over.I could always go to the Amish store and grab a few adult hens.I wanted to egt more pullets cause this batch has A couple boys.
@Roo5, where did you get your chicks? If from a hatchery I'd be careful about picking up some random pullets, you'll need to quarantine them for quite a while to make sure they aren't bringing in any diseases such as Marek's.
Got them from a hatchery.He doesn’t offer grown chickens so I’ll probably be getting birds from elsewhere,I’ve gotten bird at the Amish sale before and their usually healthy good birds, but the scare of bringing in disease bothers me,I may just find somebody npip certified (I think that’s what their called?),to atleast assure I’m not bring anything random in.


Their doing fine today.Their just matured faster then I expected and are beings bit more dominant.They have been the friendliest of all our birds, which I didn’t expect as the Last Easter egger we Had was nuts!But I guess these birds aren’t a breed and have no real reputation and you can expect about anything outta them,from complete nutty to sweet and docile.


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Hail to thee easter eggers lovers from me. Here are my beauties.

This handsom fellow is big red.
2019-06-03 00.19.25.jpg

This pretty lady is silver
2019-06-03 00.19.04.jpg

This golden one is cookie (will need to get a better pic of her XD
2019-06-03 00.18.26.jpg

And here is our newest, easter egger black australorp mix called baby.

Here are pics of some of our others.
2019-06-03 00.17.55.jpg

Over all we have 10 EEs and eight australorps.


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