The EE braggers thread!!!

I have penned in about 1/4 acre for chickens only in an attempt to start a rotation thingy to see if I can keep them in ryegrass, next winter. A new coop will have a door to each side so that I can rotate them thru it. One coop, and two enclosures. They kept the single side of it in pure mud, all winter. I only let them out when I'm home, now as others do, due to losses from varmints and neighbor dogs. Right now, they have access to both, and the foot high ryegrass in the "new section" has very little of a dent in it after 2 weeks. I'll post with results when it gets cold again, next year.

Another genetics note: I read an article by the "Creator" of the Amie, and he said that there was no Auracauna in the mix. He used another tinted egg bird from Europe, tho I can't remember which and can't find the article at the moment. I've been looking for it since Friday, when our discussion started. He shied from the Auracauna because of the ear tuft/rumpless fatal allele in that breed. THAT would cause a big stir among the "Purists", I'm sure. He claimed there are no Auracauna genes in the Amie. That is also the exact reason that I went toward the Amie against the Auracauna, that and the fact that having un-balanced tufts doesn't appear as attractive as beards on the girls does. My opinion, there, totally.

THAT! is nothing short of a gorgeous bird! I can only hope to copy that coloring. Do you have ANY idea of what she came from? The neck makes me think Roo, the head/comb makes me think Hen. ??? My black Sparkle was killed 2 weeks ago, before I started gathering eggs for the 'bator, and I am kicking myself over it. I had found her little nest with 7 eggs in it, and assumed they would have gotten too cold to hatch and put them in the "eat cartons". Now she's dead and I may have lost my black bird-producing possibilities...sigh
I am not sure. I think roo was a black and momma was a blue but that is what I am thinking I remember
Hello fellow EE braggers! I just thought I would post some pictures of my favorite EE pullet, Hazel. She has the prettiest pattern (not sure what to call it) and is covered in it completely. Unlike her sisters who are more buff/tan with less uniform black patterns. She is also the only one who lays a blueish egg, her sisters both lay green eggs.

Hello fellow EE braggers! I just thought I would post some pictures of my favorite EE pullet, Hazel. She has the prettiest pattern (not sure what to call it) and is covered in it completely. Unlike her sisters who are more buff/tan with less uniform black patterns. She is also the only one who lays a blueish egg, her sisters both lay green eggs.

That is my favorite coloring of EE as well. We have two that are similar. One of them looks just like that but with muffs/beard. I was secretly hoping that they would have this coloring and lucky enough they did!
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That is what I think of as "standard EE hen color". haha! The most common and the prettiest of all, if you ask me. I knmow, I know, there is no standard for EE's, but most hens seem to come out that way. All 3 of my 1st EE Hens are like that, and were sold to me as "Auracaunas". I knew it was BS because they had lil rump feathers. Dead giveaway for NOT being Auracauna. It wouldn't hurt my feelings if I hatched 100 of them, this Spring. I am gathering their eggs for a 'bator run, now.

Hangtown, that gives me hope as I have a Black Amie/EE and my Blue EE's in an egg gathering state, right now. As I had a Black Sparkle (she was killed a couple weeks ago, sigh) come out, maybe I'll get an all black, this Spring. Crossing my fingers. You didn't catch my hint, so I'll just ask my "stoopid" question: is it a Roo or a Hen? The head looks like a Hen, but that neck is all Roo, to me. I can't see the "rear-end", so I'm puzzled. It's a Roo, right? hahaha!
That is what I think of as "standard EE hen color". haha! The most common and the prettiest of all, if you ask me. I knmow, I know, there is no standard for EE's, but most hens seem to come out that way. All 3 of my 1st EE Hens are like that, and were sold to me as "Auracaunas". I knew it was BS because they had lil rump feathers. Dead giveaway for NOT being Auracauna. It wouldn't hurt my feelings if I hatched 100 of them, this Spring. I am gathering their eggs for a 'bator run, now.

Hangtown, that gives me hope as I have a Black Amie/EE and my Blue EE's in an egg gathering state, right now. As I had a Black Sparkle (she was killed a couple weeks ago, sigh) come out, maybe I'll get an all black, this Spring. Crossing my fingers. You didn't catch my hint, so I'll just ask my "stoopid" question: is it a Roo or a Hen? The head looks like a Hen, but that neck is all Roo, to me. I can't see the "rear-end", so I'm puzzled. It's a Roo, right? hahaha!

Referring to the beauty above(?), pretty sure that's a pullet. Comb looks too small to be a roo at that age. Hope some of your chicks come out like that. She is gorgeous! Good luck!
My EEs are doing really well, I do have a question though, is it normal for chicks to have different growth rates? I have two chicks that's wings are almost completely feathered, and two that barely have a any feathers, and the rest are between.
Salt n Pepper: Yup, that's pretty much the way of things, especially if you have different breeds or mutts, as most of mine are. I have had chicks from the same parents all grow at different speeds.

Wishing4Wings: Yes! That's the one I'm referring to. The head looks pullet-ish, but that is a standard-looking neck for my Amie and EE Roos. None of my Hens have that "combed to the front" look. So far, that is a purely Roo trait, in all of mine. That neck feathering is what's giving me pause.

I am also very tickled about my lil red game hen that has been missing since friday. She came up to eat, today. She must have a nest, somewhere. I hope she has better luck than the 3 that I have lost on the nest. They didn't hide well enough, I guess. Gamey, the successful one, has always picked a nesting basket for her 3 clutches. They stay in the pen. How in the world do you tell those silly game Hens that they'll get "catched" when they nest out in the woods, etc...?

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