The EE braggers thread!!!

It doesnt really matter if they have been there for a few days once she sits on them two days later they start developing, do you have roosters?
Yes, and i knew that they didn't start developing until a few days after the hen lays on them
. I don't think they are any good, because the weather keeps going from warm to cold. It has done that so many times latley. I start to think it is going to warm up, then it gets cold and them warms up. Then we had two huge thunderstorms and it got cold again and flooded. Indiana weather!
Yes, and i knew that they didn't start developing until a few days after the hen lays on them
. I don't think they are any good, because the weather keeps going from warm to cold. It has done that so many times latley. I start to think it is going to warm up, then it gets cold and them warms up. Then we had two huge thunderstorms and it got cold again and flooded. Indiana weather!
wao i would still let her finish it takes 3 weeks for them to hatch and she will take care of everything for the little peepers.
It takes a while for a hen to gather a clutch of her own eggs, so they are okay sitting around in the coop for a few days. We give Buddy the (freshly laid) eggs all at once when we decided she was serious, but we were experimenting with not segregating her and she had a lot of competition for her nest box and clutch of eggs, and we'd often find her sitting on another clutch in frustration while her own clutch got cold ... we didn't think anything would hatch, but they did. I think it isn't as precise a science as we make it.
My hens name is goose and she decided she was going to try and lay on at least 15 eggs (but they weren't all hers). Well she wasn't laying on any of my blue eggs, so i took away a couple and replaced them with blue ones in case she actually gets some to hatch. She wasn't very happy with me. Then i realized that she wasn't getting up to eat and drink so i went to put food and water and she made this noise and i kind of sounded like a growl combined with a cluck! Then she calmed down when she realized i was bringing her food. She is a sweet hen, but i guess when she is laying on eggs she just wants to be left alone. I am going to seperate from the other chickens in a little bit.
wao i would still let her finish it takes 3 weeks for them to hatch and she will take care of everything for the little peepers.
I am going to let her finish out the 21 days and I think if I tried to take the eggs away she would just go lay on more that are too old to be good (going to take them out in a little bit), so I might as well let her lay on the eggs that have a possibility of being good.:)

Here is buddy my white EE she hatched this little guys two days ago she is being an awesome mama, and she is also my first broody EE im so proud of her.

I love broody mommies and their babies. They are SOOOO much better than incubators and brooders (usually)... its instinctual with them! You have every right to be proud of her - none of my EEs have ever gone broody.

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