The EE braggers thread!!!

Whoa, cool! So the little black chick is part EE/Am part ummm... errrr.... vulture?
Is the black skin from the NN or is there Silkie in there? And one more queston, if you don't mind. What type of comb is that? Never seen one before. Does the black hen lay a green egg? (Ooops, sorry. Extra question.)
No EE in the hen, she in black skinned NN and mottled houdan. Lays a white egg, no silkie in making the dark skinned NN (I didn't make it) so don't know for sure but suspect maybe sumatra
hi everyone! i have a question about colors. i am about to get some ee's from a local hardware store. they are all in the chipmonk family for colors. some lighter, some darker, but all the chipmonk style. so, will they all turn out the same basically, or will they all be different? thanks so much

Lobzi posted this link to a great series of before and after pics.
So what is the mix for your little black chick? The comb on the mature hen must be some sort of modified V comb from the Houdan.
Yes on the comb

The mother is the NN we are talking about the father is either my male EE Oreo or my NN Jaxom or my male bbr araucana, since my NN is NaNa and would basically only father naked necked chicks I'm assumining either the EE or the bbr araucana.
hi everyone! i have a question about colors. i am about to get some ee's from a local hardware store. they are all in the chipmonk family for colors. some lighter, some darker, but all the chipmonk style.  so, will they all turn out the same basically, or will they all be different? thanks so much

I had two identical chicks couldn't tell them apart for the life of me. they looked like two different breeds when they feathered out.
I was guessing from that fuzzy face that there was Ameraucana or EE in there. If the mom is the one pictured with the black skinned male she sure has a good beard. I wonder where that came from? My Mottled Houdans do not have a beard, just a huge poofy crest and v comb. Do the NN have a beard?
She got the beard from the mottled houdan, they usually (or should by standard) have beards (in the US) I had some houdan chicks from the same place that her lineage came from and they had beards. It was before I had the covered brooder area and they were killed by (presumed) hawk attacks.
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