The EE braggers thread!!!

My little EE bantam, Hika Ma, at 8 weeks old:



Stretching out his wings!

Mine run away from me too. They're the only ones that barely even come near if I come with treats. One seems to be warming up a little, but she won't let me touch her at all. The other one stays away completely. And they were raised with all the other chickens that don't seem to be so mistrusting.
14 week old pullet. She's half hatchery EE, half wheaten ameraucana. She came from a light green egg so there is a chance she will lay green as well. As she gets more adult feathers in, shes looking more like a very dark wheaten hen than the EE camo. I have a young wheaten ameraucana cockerel who is waiting impatiently for her and her ameraucana half sister to grow up so that he has more than one hen that will give him the time of day.
Mine run away from me too. They're the only ones that barely even come near if I come with treats. One seems to be warming up a little, but she won't let me touch her at all. The other one stays away completely. And they were raised with all the other chickens that don't seem to be so mistrusting.

Personally I think it just them. I have Welsummer, Buff Orpington, Black Copper Marans, two pure Ameraucauna pullets and a bunch of EE. Some of the BO think they are lap chickens, the BCM and Welsummers are pretty calm and reasonably easy to catch up if I need to. The Amies are hard to get hold of but seem to be calming down now that they are at point of lay. But all the EE of all ages just go nuts if you make a sudden move around them and are very hard to catch. That is even the ones raised with the BO, you'd think their calmness would rub off....

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