The EE braggers thread!!!

I took this today, she's not looking, but you can see her pretty lacing up close!
Very pretty birds!

I just got mine less than a month ago and they aren't laying right now, so I have no idea what color to expect.

Not sure what color to call this bantam hen, she's almost a metallic silver in real life, with bright red eyes. She looks like a falcon when she perches on my arm.

Here's my bantam rooster. He's molting right now, so his tail looks awful. Actually, the day after I took this picture, all his tail feathers fell out, and now he's got a funny bald butt. He also doesn't crow at all.

Here are two chicks out of this pair, about 10 weeks old now. The one in front is definitely a pullet, and I was told the other was as well, but it's looking more like a rooster I think. That one has a crippled foot, but gets around ok and is like a little puppy. When I am feeding or cleaning pens I let him out and he follows me like a little dog.

Here's a closeup of the cripple-footed one. He's such a sweetie! I'm really sad that he's a rooster, that gives me three roosters and three hens.

Your top silver one looks a lot like my Oreo and Cookie, very nice coloring!
New to the thread!

I actually thought I had three Ameraucanas (as the breeder swore that they were) but some snot in an Ameraucana thread said that my girls ARE NOT PURE. She then proceeded to moan on about how unlikely it is to have genuine "pure" Ameraucanas.

Funny. I don't really mind what they are. They're perfect! Ameraucanas or Easter Eggers, they're my babies and I'm proud to show them off :)

New to the thread!

I actually thought I had three Ameraucanas (as the breeder swore that they were) but some snot in an Ameraucana thread said that my girls ARE NOT PURE. She then proceeded to moan on about how unlikely it is to have genuine "pure" Ameraucanas.

Funny. I don't really mind what they are. They're perfect! Ameraucanas or Easter Eggers, they're my babies and I'm proud to show them off

LOL LOL LOL Yes most of us here on this thread had very similar experiences. Your chicken is very pretty

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